Monday Madness -- Last 2021 Pre-Season Episode!

It's time for the last pre-season episode of Lent Madness 2021. Tim and Scott are back with yet another Oscar-worthy episode of Monday Madness, even if the Academy has spurned them at every turn. So dim the lights, grab some popcorn, roll out the purple carpet, and prepare to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

There's still time to study up and fill out your bracket for Lent Madness 2021. You can visit the bracket tab of the website, and if you need your Saintly Scorecard, it's still available for your Kindle. New this year, Lent Madness fan Seth Reese created a wonderful site where you can enter your bracket picks and track your progress along with Lent Madness fans around the world. Visit to enter your bracket picks! Seth is an Episcopalian and tech wizard, and if you're looking for more wizardly, check out his consulting firm, Juniper Workshop.

Get ready for the opening contest of Lent Madness which comes your way at 8:00 in the morning (Eastern time!) on Ash Thursday, February 18. It's Camillus de Lellis vs. Matthias, in the Gamblers' Gambit!


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Monday Madness -- February 8, 2021

Welcome to a special Viewer Mail edition of Monday Madness! You have questions? Tim and Scott have "answers."

In response to one such query, Scott explains how the Episcopal Church adds people to its calendar of saints.* The Supreme Executive Committee also shares the official Lent Madness coffee standard. Which means Tim gets to mention his book, Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith - From Dancing Goats to Satan's Drink, while simultaneously showing off the perfect mug out of which to drink your coffee, the 2019 Golden Halo winner mug featuring Martha of Bethany.

Printed Saintly Scorecards are sold out this year, but you can still get one for your Kindle. We also have giant bracket posters available. Is there a better way to spend $11 than getting a full-color printout of the saintly bracket? We think not.

Tune in for all the action -- plus more viewer questions -- RIGHT NOW!

* If you want to see the "Saintly Scorecard of the Episcopal Church," you can find the lineup of saints and biographies in the scintillatingly-titled volume, Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018.


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Monday Madness -- February 1, 2021

What?! In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Executive Committee needs YOUR help. It's true! In this week's action-packed episode of Monday Madness, Tim and Scott solicit the advice of the Lent Madness global viewing public, as they put out a request to help name some of the epic themed battles of the 2021 competition. To succeed in making your mark upon this year's Saintly Smackdown, simply combine the ethos of professional wrestling with the ambiance of holy Lenten devotion in offering your suggestions. For consideration, add your ideas in the comments section.

They also share something of the structure of the 2021 bracket, including all-new quadrant names. If you're worried about seeing the quadrants on a tiny bracket, you can get a giant bracket poster (for just $11!) just like the one Scott waves around in the video. Sounds like a lot of great content, right? Well, that's not even all of it. You might have heard that the Saintly Scorecard is sold out, and that rumor is true. The good news is that Tim and Scott are here to tell you how you can get the scorecard on your favorite e-reader, tablet, or phone.

There's more, but we need to keep you intrigued so you'll watch the full episode.


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Monday Madness -- January 25, 2021

Have you ever wondered what deli meats have to do with Lent Madness? Gather the kids around the teevee, grab some popcorn -- or a hunk of salami, and tune in for this week's installment of Monday Madness. With Lent Madness 2021 a mere 23 days away, Tim and Scott deftly delve into the bracket by previewing a few of the upcoming battles. One of which involves deli meats.

Of course, because you've come to depend on it, there's product placement. Tim shows off his Harriet Tubman Golden Halo 2020 winner mug. You can grab one of the few Harriet mugs remaining, or maybe you'll want to drink your coffee out of a Martha of Bethany Golden Halo 2019 winner mug. And don't forget the travel mug.

Life is more than coffee, we're sorry to say. The good news is that you can wile away the hours between cups of coffee by studying up on Lent Madness saints with the Saintly Scorecard 2021. Share your picks with the Lent Madness 2021 Giant Bracket Poster.

Like grace, Lent Madness is also free. You can visit the bracket tab to print out your very own bracket, free of charge. There's also a new feature: a bracket you can download, type in your picks, and then print out. Whoever said the Supreme Executive Committee wasn't responsive to the requests of the global Lent Madness viewing public?


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Monday Madness -- MLK Day Edition

With a mere 30 days until the start of Lent Madness 2021, Tim and Scott are back with an action-packed episode of Monday Madness! Of course, they discuss the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who memorably appeared in the 2013 edition of Lent Madness. How did he do? Check out this week's edition of Monday Madness to find out.

Naturally, Tim and Scott encourage you to prepare for Lent Madness by ordering your very own copy of the Saintly Scorecard. You can buy it for your Kindle or in paper. Maybe you want to buy them for your whole church or for all your neighbors. If so, you'll want the bulk price! Packs of ten are just $20, which means the Scorecards only $2 each. If you are buying three packs or more, the price plummets to just $15 for ten, which makes the Scorecards only $1.50 each. It's really crazy that they're that cheap.

If the full-color, fold-out bracket inside the Scorecard isn't big enough for you, you'll want to purchase a Lent Madness giant bracket poster. This huge poster is THREE FEET by TWO FEET. It's only eleven bucks if you buy one, and the price shrinks to just $10 if you buy two or more.

Of course, you don't need to spend a cent to enjoy Lent Madness. You can read up on the saints on the Lent Madness website once the season starts, and you can print out your own bracket on the Bracket tab of the site. However, you might like to enjoy the free website while you're sipping a coffee from your Lent Madness 2020 Golden Halo Winner Mug featuring Harriet Tubman. Lots of merch is available in the Lentorium.


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Monday Madness...on Tuesday

Everyone keeps saying 2020 is bringing unprecedented this and that. Well, here's one to add to the list. The Supreme Executive Committee is bringing you a brand-new episode of Monday Madness...on a Tuesday. Why? Because reasons.

In this action-packed episode, Tim and Scott discuss the all-new bracket for Lent Madness 2021. Yes, it has 32 saints --- that's nothing new. But this year's bracket offers groundbreaking (unprecedented!) new quadrants. Gather the kids and neighbors (outdoors, wearing masks, six-feet apart) around your computer and behold the new cinematic brilliance, which includes a new (very brief!) intro.

It wouldn't be a Monday Madness if you didn't hear about the Lentorium. Watch to get details on this year's Giant Bracket Posters, a bargain at $11. Buy two or more, and save! Also, this year's Saintly Scorecard includes tips for safely enjoying Lent Madness during a pandemic with full social distancing in your home or church. You can pre-order individual copies or buy them in bulk and save. Single copies are just $5, and if you buy in bulk, the price drops to just $1.50 per scorecard if you purchase three bundles of ten or more.

Of course, like the grace of Jesus, Lent Madness is free of charge. If you don't want to spend any money, you can visit the bracket tab of the Lent Madness website and print out your own bracket.


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Monday Madness -- First In-season Episode!

Lent Madness 2020 begins ONE MONTH FROM TODAY! As the excitement continues to build for Ash Thursday on February 27, we know that you, the Lent Madness global viewing public, have been staring at your screens for weeks wondering when the 2020 Monday Madness season opener would come your way. Wait no more! Tim and Scott are back at it with an action-packed episode recorded in a rare joint appearance at the Rooted in Jesus conference in Atlanta, GA.

In this week's episode, learn about Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry's bracket picks (we're pretty sure his enthusiasm for Lent Madness is merely a ploy for a promotion from PB to Supreme Executive Committee).

Now, everybody knows Bishop Curry is friends with Harry and Meaghan (do yourself a favor and rewatch his royal wedding sermon here). And obviously, Lent Madness was the talk of Buckingham Palace during that heady time. In fact, our royal watchers tell us that the real reason these two (Way of) Love birds are leaving England is to get closer to the Saintly Smackdown. We'll try to get them booked onto an upcoming episode of Monday Madness. Or maybe Her Majesty The Queen. When it comes to royalty, the SEC is uncharacteristically flexible.


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Monthly Madness -- November 2013

In this month's video, the Supreme Executive Committee shares one of the ways they plan to take over Advent. Hint: it involves Tim's new book. Also, they share their plan for One Day of #Lentitude to counteract #30daysofgratitude sweeping social media. Make your plans to celebrate tomorrow, November 14.

For more videos, tune into the Lent Madness Channel on Vimeo.


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World Premiere -- Monday Madness Theme Song

In their never-ending dedication to you, the fans of Lent Madness, the Supreme Executive Committee searched across the globe for the perfect theme music for Monday Madness. Here is the result of that worldwide search:

Tune in every Monday (in season) for a new episode of Monday Madness. You can watch the complete oeuvre on the Lent Madness video channel. When you settle in to watch this excellent material, make sure you sip a warm beverage from the right kind of mug.


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