Corrected Match-Up Calendar

Lent Madness Quality Control Team: We are aware of the Match-up Calendar mishap in the printed Saintly Scorecard (found on the inside back cover). The line-ups are correct on the Bracket, in both the Scorecard and on the Poster. It's only the Calendar that has the wrong saint match-ups.

Our team has created a corrected PDF now available for download and at-home printing.

The Supreme Executive Committee issued the follow statement after learning of the debacle:

"Like a mis-struck penny, this Saintly Scorecard is now a collectible. That's the positive spin. And we're all about spin. They are highly valuable now, and will be cherished for generations. Buying 10 more would be the prudent thing to do."

A calendar line-up for 2025 Lent Madness

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Lentorium update: Order your Scorecards and Bracket Posters soon!

Get your Lent Madness materials soon! First Round voting begins March 6 (aka Ash Thursday)!

Cover of the 2025 Saintly Scorecard

If you’ve already ordered your Saintly Scorecard and Bracket Posters, our Lentorium team is currently shipping order! Look out for your shipment in the coming days!

If you haven’t ordered yet, there is still time to get the Saintly Scorecard, either as a single copy or in packs of 10 copies for churches and groups. The giant Bracket Poster is the best way to keep track of the competition; perfect for your parish hall, narthex, or living room. Of course, you can also download and print your own at home.

Order by Monday, February 24 to have your materials to hand out the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

We look forward to all the fun and shenanigans this Lent!


2025 Lent Madness Bracket

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Happy All Brackets' Day!

Following the heady days of Nominationtide, and the submission of hundreds and hundreds of saintly nominations, the Supreme Executive Committee is pleased to release the highly anticipated 2025 Lent Madness bracket. Following their Spring Retreat, held in a secure, undisclosed coffee shop where vast amounts of single-origin black coffee fueled their discernment, the SEC whittled down the field to 32 saints who will compete for the coveted Golden Halo.

This year, All Brackets' Day happens to fall, appropriately enough, on All Saints' Sunday. Which means that people everywhere will have something to talk about at coffee hour, besides critiquing the preacher's sermon and complaining about the quality of the coffee. Let the bracketological conversations, feuds, and smack-talk ensue!

All Brackets' Day completes the Autumn Triduum (which will surely appear in subsequent Prayer Book revisions) consisting of All Saints' Day (November 1), All Souls' Day (November 2), and All Brackets' Day (November 3). By longstanding tradition, it also marks the day that people leave comments complaining that it's "way too early to think about Lent because it's not even Advent yet!"

But enough of this preamble. Let's get to the 2025 bracket!

This year’s saints include a mix of heavyweights and lesser-known saints, all of whom followed Jesus faithfully in their own day and in their own way. Closer examination of the bracket, will quickly reveal an...alphabetical theme. Needless to say, we love all the saints, from A to Z.

2025 Lent Madness Bracket

As a reminder, or if your new to this online devotion, here’s how Lent Madness works: on the weekdays of Lent, information is posted at about two different saints. Each pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants read about and then vote to determine which saint moves on to the next round. Sixteen saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the Golden Halo.

The first round consists of basic biographical information about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly kitsch.

Unlike professional and collegiate sporting events, there is no admission cost for Lent Madness, but souvenirs and study aids are available in the Lentorium. After last year's exclusively online version of The Saintly Scorecard, the printed version is back! You can place your order for The Saintly Scorecard: The Official Guide to Lent Madness 2025 as single copies or in budget-busting bulk 10-packs.

Giant Bracket Posters are also available for your parish hall, narthex, living room, or to use as wrapping paper for all your Lent gifts. Although Lent Madness doesn't officially kick off until Ash Thursday, March 6, you're encouraged to order your Lent Madness materials now while supplies last (seriously, we tend to run out of these things in the run-up to Lent). Plus they make AMAZING stocking stuffers. Definitely superior to lumps of coal.

We look forward to engaging in saintly shenanigans with you all in the days to come. Don't forget, Lent is right around the corner!

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Emily Cooper earns spot in Lent Madness XVI bracket

Emily Cooper portraitToday the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church held what some say is its most important vote. Emily Cooper edged out Thomas Merton 55%-45%. With this win, Cooper will be featured in the 2025 competition of the world's most popular online Lenten devotion. The rest of the bracket of Lent Madness XVI will be chosen by the Supreme Executive Committee at their annual retreat in an undisclosed coffee shop.

Voters passed over Merton, known widely as a mystic, author, and monk. Cooper is recognized today for her work caring for orphans as one of the first deaconesses in the Episcopal Church. Both Merton and Cooper hail from Kentucky, the home of this year's General Convention.

Lent Madness is brought to you by Forward Movement. You can celebrate Cooper's victory or mourn Merton's loss by visiting the Forward Movement booth in Louisville at the General Convention.

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BREAKING NEWS!!! Play-in Vote Happening RIGHT NOW at General Convention

Emily Cooper vs Thomas Merton

The Episcopal Church's General Convention is now gathered in Louisville, KY. Laypeople, bishops, priests, and deacons from all over the USA and several other countries come together to deliberate on matters that concern the church. These folks also worship together, enjoy fellowship, and go on wild shopping sprees in the exhibit hall. It's epic.

Lent Madness has a long tradition (since 2012) of having a presence at General Convention and this year is no exception! Today and today only, there is a play-in match. The winner will earn a spot in the bracket of Lent Madness XVI in 2025. That's right, the voting public can decide who makes it into the bracket.


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