Lent Madness Pyramid Scheme

Pyramids are an important part of the salvation story of Scripture. After all, if it wasn't for the cruel treatment at the hand of the Egyptian slave drivers forcing them to build pyramids for the pharaoh, the Israelites might never have risen up to cross the Red Sea. You could argue that Pharaoh's enslavement of Moses' people was the original "pyramid scheme."

As we await the start of Lent Madness with building anticipation, we're aware of at least one parish that is structuring their participation as a Bernie Madoff-like pyramid scheme. The Rev. Chris Arnold, Priest-in-Charge at St. Mary's in Middlesboro, Kentucky, is hoping the entire congregation plays along this Lent.


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Real Christians "Like" Lent Madness

We’re pleased to see that we’re on our way to 500 “likes” on the Lent Madness Facebook fan page. But we need your help to reach our goal of 1,000 likes before the madness begins on February 23rd (“Ash Thursday”).

Here are some helpful status updates for Facebook you can use to help spread the Lent Madness gospel. Simply cut and paste and be sure to include a link to the page: www.facebook.com/lentmadness.

If you “love” God, the least you can do is “like” Lent Madness.

Jesus loves me this I know. But he loves me more knowing that I “liked” Lent Madness.

“Like” Lent Madness and you will become richer than Joel Osteen.

All saints “like” Lent Madness and I mean to be one too.

And verily Jesus said unto them, I “like” Lent Madness. Go and do “likewise.”

If you enjoy fasting, self-flagellation, and hair shirts you’re really going to “like” Lent Madness.

What’s not to “like” about saints re-martyring one another in Lent Madness?

If you’re evangelizing your Twitter followers, be sure to include the hashtag #LentMadness. Here’s an example:

Me? Give up chocolate for Lent? That’s #LentMadness!

Thank you friends. We’re well on our way to making this year’s Lent Madness bigger than the Beatles.


Tim and Scott

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Building the buzz!

A photo of Lent Madness buzz

All of the internet is talking about Lent Madness. Or so it seems. Check out the Episcopal Cafe, The Infusion, Laughing Water, Way will come clear, and of course Seven whole days. We made the Episcopal News Service blog, and now we're helping the Anglican Communion lighten up! Even the ordinarily straight-laced Textweek is listing Lent Madness as a Lent resource! And don't forget our shiny new Facebook page. You should go like us right now!

Tell your neighbors and friends to catch the Lent Madness wave. If you have a blog or a website, why not add a widget to send people to Lent Madness? Show them orthodoxy can be fun! Or that fun can be orthodox.

Next week, look for more action-packed  pre-Lent pre-Madness fantasticness.

(Geeky stuff to make Technorati happy: MW827V6YXGK9. Never mind.)

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