Monday Madness -- Faithful Four Edition

We interrupt this Holy Week for a special program, the last in-season episode of Monday Madness. Tune in to watch Tim and Scott hold forth on the Faithful Four. They also discuss the mysterious day that comes after Tuesday in Holy Week but before Maundy Thursday. Hint: it involves both espionage AND voting.

Of course, it wouldn't be a true Monday Madness episode without some sales talk, and to fulfill this requirement, Scott and Tim mention the Easter books they've written. If you want them in time for Easter maybe try Amazon (Scott's book or Tim's book), but you can also order from Forward Movement (Tim's book or Scott's book). Or get instant gratification on your Kindle (Scott's book or Tim's book) right now, this very moment!

Lastly, and more importantly, they urge you to attend services at your church for the Three Holy Days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Eve. After all, that's what this is really all about.

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Joanna the Myrrhbearer vs. Martin de Porres

Welcome to the Faithful Four! From an initial field of 32 saints, we are down to a holy four: Joanna the Myrrhbearer, Martin de Porres, Jonathan Daniels, and Chief Seattle.

Today it's Joanna vs. Martin. To get to this point, Joan defeated Monica, Augustine, and Blandina, while Martin made it past Maximus the Confessor, Leoba, and JS Bach.

So, what happens in this round? Well, throughout Lent Madness, our saintly heroes have battled via basic bios, quirks and quotes, and even kitsch. In this round, we let our remaining Celebrity Bloggers loose as they answer the question “Why should Saint XX win the Golden Halo?” In other words, they’ve been charged with letting us know why their particular saint is so awesome. We have also invited them to share their two favorite images of their saints.

The Faithful Four continues today and tomorrow and then, on Spy Wednesday, 24 hours of voting begins to determine the winner of the 2023 Golden Halo.

The end is near! Vote now!


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Johann Sebastian Bach vs. Martin de Porres

Today we have the final battle of the Elate Eight as Johann Sebastian Bach faces Martin de Porres. In 24 hours the Faithful Four will be set! One of these two saints will join Joanna the Myrrhbearer, Jonathan Daniels, and Chief Seattle (who defeated Bertha of Kent yesterday 55% to 45%) as one of the last four saints standing in Lent Madness 2023.

To get to this round, Bach bested Harriet Monsell and Richard Hooker, while Martin defeated Maximus the Confessor and Leoba. (Note to Kitsch Kranks: click on these links to view the write-ups from previous rounds).

After Palm Sunday weekend, we'll be back on Monday morning to close out this year's tournament just before the start of the Great Three Days.

Vote now!


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Chief Seattle vs. Bertha of Kent

In the penultimate matchup of the Elate Eight, Chief Seattle takes on Bertha of Kent. To make it to the Elate Eight, Chief Seattle took down Botulph and John Donne, while Bertha sent Olga of Kiev and Edmund packing.

Yesterday, Jonathan Daniels easily advanced to the Faithful Four by defeating Florence Li Tim-Oi 68% to 32%.

Vote Now!


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Jonathan Myrick Daniels vs. Florence Li Tim-Oi

The Elate Eighty continues as Jonathan Daniels face Florence Li Tim-Oi. The winner will join Joanna the Myrrhbearer in the Faithful Four following her overwhelming victory over Blandina 78% to 22%.

To get to the Elate Eight, Jonathan defeated Rutilio Grande and Josephine Bakhita, while Florence took down Nicolaus von Zinzendorf and Enmegahbowh.

Vote now!


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Joanna the Myrrhbearer vs. Blandina

Welcome to the Elate Eight! From 32 saints, we've whittled the field down to an octet of saintly souls. Today, Joanna the Myrrhbearer takes on Blandina, and from here we'll see Jonathan Daniels vs. Florence Li Tim-Oi, Bertha of Kent vs. Chief Seattle, and Martin de Porres vs. Johann Sebastian Bach.

The Elate Eight is also known as the Round of Saintly Kitsch. After basic biographies, quirks and quotes, what else could there be? Now, there are always some folks who take offense at this approach — we call them Kitsch Kranks. Please remember that this round is not meant to belittle or demean our saintly heroes but to have some fun and gaze in wide wonder at the breadth of devotional practice. So kindly relax and enjoy the spirit of the Madness as we push ever onward toward our goal.

To get to this point, Joanna defeated Monica and Augustine of Hippo, while Blandina bested Simeon Bachus and Brendan of Clonfert.

Vote now! (after watching Monday Madness)


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Monday Madness -- Elate Eight Edition

Everyone's talking about their brackets these days, and so are Scott and Tim. They're back this week to help you transition into the Elite Elate Eight. They also offer pastoral counsel if you find the format of the Elate Eight challenging.

Of course, it would hardly be an episode of Monday Madness without some wanton commercialism. This week, in light of the impending arrival of the Easter season, Tim and Scott both mention that they've coincidentally each written an Eastertide book. Tim's book is a lighthearted look at Lent and Easter, Dust Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent and Easter. Scott's book is a set of reflections, Easter Triumph, Easter Joy: Meditations for the Fifty Days of Eastertide. You can buy them from your local bookseller, Amazon, or Forward Movement directly. Both are also available as ebooks, naturally.

That's a lot for one episode, and we have left out a mention of their weather discussion. Watch to see it all!

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Martin de Porres vs. Leoba

Welcome to the FINAL matchup of the Saintly Sixteen. With the conclusion of today's battle between Martin de Porres and Leoba, the Elate Eight will be all set.

In case you missed it, on Friday Chief Seattle sent John Donne packing 60% to 40% to set up a matchup with Bertha of Kent.

Look for the Elate Eight edition of Monday Madness later today. Assuming Tim and Scott get to it, which we assume they will?

And in the meantime, go vote!


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Chief Seattle vs. John Donne

Whew! It's been a wild week of Saintly Sixteen action, which concludes with today's battle between Chief Seattle and John Donne.

Yesterday, Jonathan Daniels swept past Josephine Bakhita 72% to 28% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen, where he'll face Florence Li Tim-Oi.

Enjoy (or rue) the weekend voting respite, and we'll be back to conclude the Saintly Sixteen first thing on Monday Morning as Martin de Porres faces Leoba. The Elate Eight looms...

But for now, go vote!


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Jonathan Myrick Daniels vs. Josephine Bakhita

Another day, another heart-wrenching matchup between two saintly souls. Today it's Jonathan Daniels vs. Josephine Bakhita.

Yesterday, Blandina swept past Brendan of Clonfert 59% to 41% to advance to the Elate Eight where she'll face Joanna the Myrrhbearer.

Remember to read the comments and perhaps even comment yourself! There is a wealth of information that gets shared by the Lent Madness Global Voting Public and it's always fun and faithful to see where the conversation goes. Not to mention the occasional limerick, poem, and hymn dedicated to our two competing saints.

Vote now!


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