Monday Madness -- March 11, 2024

It's time to roll out the purple carpet as the Academy Lent Madness Global Viewing public tunes in to this week's episode of Monday Madness. Tim and Scott are back this week, still reeling from their annual snub at the Oscars. Maybe it's time for the Academy to add new categories, such as "Best Video from an Online Lenten Devotional by Episcopalians" or perhaps "Best Split-Screen YouTube Series Running More than Ten Seasons."

Tim and Scott are pleased to answer viewer mail this week. If you want to have YOUR question answered, please leave a comment on the Lent Madness website, and the SEC will possibly answer your question.

And in the meantime, enjoy this FULL WEEK of Saintly Sixteen action that extends before you.

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Kassia vs. Joseph of Arimathea

Happy Monday! We begin a full week of Saintly Sixteen action as Kassia squares off against Joseph of Arimathea. Who will come out smelling like…myrrh? That’s up to the Lent Madness voting public.

On Friday, Andrew the Fisherman advanced to the Elate Eight by defeating Hyacinth 55% to 45%.

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Hyacinth vs. Andrew the Fisherman

We wind up another full week of Lent Madness action with Hyacinth squaring off against Andrew the Fisherman for a shot at the Elate Eight.

Yesterday, Albert Schweitzer removed any doubts as he defeated Thomas the Apostle 60% to 40%.

By the way, if you're looking to refresh your memory by re-reading the first round write-ups, just go to the bracket tab, and scroll down. Underneath the bracket you'll find links to all the previous battles.

We hope everyone has a full and faithful weekend, and we'll see you bright and early Monday morning as Kassia faces Joseph of Arimathea.

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Thomas the Apostle vs. Albert Schweitzer

Welcome to the Saintly Sixteen! With your help, we have successfully whittled our field from 32 saints to 16. For this round, rather than the basic biographical information, we enter the realm of Quirks and Quotes. Our brilliant Celebrity Bloggers will provide unusual information or legends surrounding their saints along with quotes either by or about their saints.

If you need a quick refresher on those first round battles (and want to look at the initial bios), click the Bracket Tab. Just beneath the bracket, you'll find all the previous matchups sorted by round.

Yesterday, Claire of Assisi snagged the last available Saintly Sixteen by defeating Rafqa of Lebanon 59% to 41%.

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Rafqa of Lebanon vs. Clare of Assisi

Welcome to the FINAL matchup of the round of 32. The 16th battle of Lent Madness XV is underway as we offer up a choice between Rafqa of Lebanon and Claire of Assisi. Yes, it's the patron saint of knitting vs. the patron saint of needlepoint in the Thread Count Throwdown.

In yesterday's action between the only two Silver Halo winners in Lent Madness history, Julian of Norwich eased past Brigid of Kildare 63% to 37%. She'll face Zita in the next round.

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Brigid of Kildare vs. Julian of Norwich

Today, in one of the most highly anticipated matchups of Lent Madness XV, we pit the only two official Silver Halo winners (as graciously awarded by the Supreme Executive Committee) in history against one another, as Brigid of Kildare faces Julian of Norwich (yes, we know it's unfair, etc, etc, but remember this is Lent Madness not Lent Sanity). In 2015, Brigid took home the Silver Halo, after falling to Francis of Assisi, while in 2016, Julian received the Silver Halo, losing to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Yesterday, Gertrude won. Well, to be specific, Gertrude the Great defeated Gertrude of Nivelles 63% to 37%.

And just in case you missed yesterday's episode of Monday Madness, in which Tim and Scott actually appear TOGETHER, you can watch it here.

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Monday Madness -- March 4, 2024

It's time for another action-packed episode of Monday Madness! And in a rare twist, Tim and Scott are IN THE SAME LOCATION. There is no line dividing the Supreme Executive Committee one from another. We have prayed fervently for divisions to cease, and this has come to fruition. At least for one episode.

Remember, if you get bored (or are searching for a particularly penitential Lenten devotion), you can always watch the entire oeuvre of Monday Madness at the award-winning* Lent Madness TV channel online.

Finally, don't forget to cast your vote today in the battle between Gertrude the Great and Gertrude of Nivelles.

* Certain claims in this sentence may be exaggerated or "based on true events."

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Gertrude the Great vs. Gertrude of Nivelles

Welcome back! This week, we'll conclude the Round of 32 and get our first peek at the Saintly Sixteen. But first, it's The Great Gertrude Game as Gertrude the Great faces Gertrude of Nivelles. And, yes, cats are involved.

On Friday, Cornelius the Centurion snuck past Piran of Cornwall 53% to 47% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen, where he'll tangle with Adomnan of Iona.

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Piran of Cornwall vs. Cornelius the Centurion

Today in Lent Madness XV, it's the long-anticipated battle known as the Children of the Corn, as Piran of Cornwall faces Cornelius the Centurion. We invite you to lend an ear to hear about these two saints. And we do not apologize for the corny humor, for even in its midst, there is a kernel of truth.

Yesterday, Henry Whipple decisively defeated Jackson Kemper 71% to 29% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen.

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Henry Whipple vs. Jackson Kemper

Welcome to Midwestern Missionary Mahem! Today in the Saintly Smackdown Henry Whipple takes on Jackson Kemper. Two outward-looking nineteenth century American bishops who helped shape the future of the Episcopal Church.

Yesterday, Rita trounced Zita (or was it the other way around?) No, we're pretty sure it was Rita over Zita 79% to 21%. Actually, upon further review, it was Zita over Rita!

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