Last night, the world watched Oprah interview Harry and Meghan. Despite overtures from Oprah's people, Scott and Tim decided to forgo a moderator for the latest episode of Monday Madness. But the Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness is back with another action-packed, fun-filled episode of saintly merriment. Today they explain how the bracket of 32 saints is chosen, revealing heretofore secret details of the selection process. Perhaps even using the "Royal We" in the process.
They also answer a question from Twitter about the behind-the-scenes life of the Celebrity Bloggers. Oh, and Scott takes a sip from his Martha of Bethany 2019 Golden Halo winner coffee mug. Would it even be Monday Madness without some product placement?
Last, but not least, the Supreme Executive Committee again demonstrates its mastery of the Welsh accent.