A photo of Lent Madness buzz
All of the internet is talking about Lent Madness. Or so it seems. Check out the Episcopal Cafe, The Infusion, Laughing Water, Way will come clear, and of course Seven whole days. We made the Episcopal News Service blog, and now we're helping the Anglican Communion lighten up! Even the ordinarily straight-laced Textweek is listing Lent Madness as a Lent resource! And don't forget our shiny new Facebook page. You should go like us right now!
Tell your neighbors and friends to catch the Lent Madness wave. If you have a blog or a website, why not add a widget to send people to Lent Madness? Show them orthodoxy can be fun! Or that fun can be orthodox.
Next week, look for more action-packed pre-Lent pre-Madness fantasticness.
(Geeky stuff to make Technorati happy: MW827V6YXGK9. Never mind.)