Well, friends, we're nearly two weeks into Lent Madness XVI and the FUTURE IS NOW! Fr. Christian Anderson and Fr. Michael Sahdev have officially released their VERY FIRST EPISODE of Monday Madness. In typical Lent Madness fashion, it is EPIC and you should DROP EVERYTHING (Unless you're holding a mug of green beer. Or a small child. Or a Saintly Scorecard.) AND WATCH IT NOW!
But seriously, Tim and Scott are thrilled to welcome Christian and Michael onto the Lent Madness team and we know everyone in the Lent Madness Global Viewing Public will warmly welcome them into their hearts, even if they changed the opening theme music.
Watch Now!
17 comments on “Monday Madness Reboot - WATCH NOW!”
Please don't wear your collars. It sets you apart from the rest of us.
May I suggest a Saintly Poetry Round? I know a limerick guy....
Us old guys. You say "watch now". But there is nothing to click on. Except "fshare", "email", and "tweet. This is argot; I Do not do any of these except email. And that takes me to a rabbit hole.
Please upgrade your site for English speakers. I'm native and have no idea what your site is suggesting.
Jim Butler, a long time devotee of LENT MADNESS
Interesting commentary. I understand your reluctance to use Fr. Kano's given name of Hisanori, but you might check your pronunciation of Hiram. Pretty sure it's like Hy-rum.
Welcome and all the best.
Thank you doing Lent Madness…first introduced to the fun when in Mesa Az at the church I attended there. I continue to learn from you posts.
Thank you.
Blessings from
Thanks for the shout out for Hiram Kano of Nebraska.
The correct pronunciation of his first name is Hy' rum. Sounded to me that you got his last name, Kano, right-- Kah' no.
Not a fan. Bring back Scott and Tim.
I get too many emails. I want one email per day with that days match up. Thanks.
Oh well. All things do change. I am pleased I still can read and vote for my favorite saints. Monday commentaries aren't necessary if I don't understand the dialog. Young people will enjoy the fast music (?)and fast speech. Happy Lent! From which churches and states did they broadcast?
Love the energy, Christian and Michael! It was fun to listen to your sports themed commentary although I had to ponder a few references - I’m old and out of touch. I enjoyed hearing your picks of the week and it will be fun to hear your take as we work through the brackets in the coming weeks. Yay to the expanding Lent Madness team! Happy Lent indeed.
When is the Rose Sunday in Lent?
This pair seems much more masculine in their presentation than the SEC-- the heavy emphasis on sports metaphors. Those of us who pointed out that a woman wasn't chosen as one of the new presenters, alas, appear to have been all too prescient.
Fantastic improvement with Fr Christian and Fr Mehdev (sp?). Lively and I like the linkage with other ESPN shows!
Rose Sunday aka Mothering Sunday is the 4th Sunday in Lent. This year, March 30.
Change is hard. I miss the music that used to accompany Tim and Scott.
Hope my Lent Madness bracket is better than my basketball picks.
Enjoying our new additions