Yes, it's time for another action-packed, fun-filled episode of Monday Madness. This one, according to Scott, is lemon scented! Tim and Scott bring you a preview of the opening contests of Lent Madness 2025. Figuring out which saint is up against which saint is as easy as ABC this year. No, seriously.
If you want maximum bracketology, you can read the Saintly Scorecard on your Kindle. Our printed scorecards sold out this year! Of course, you don't NEED to buy anything. You can tune in each voting day of Lent to read the bios right here. And if you want help remembering to do that, just sign up for Lent Madness emails by typing your address into the box on the home page of this website.
Want another fun way to study the saints? Check out these FREE Lent Madness trading cards, created by Allison Bird Treacy. Print your own cards for home, church, or your workplace. We love it when fans are inspired to join in the holy fun of the Saintly Smackdown!
And don't forget, it all kicks off on Ash Thursday, March 6. Happy (almost) Lent!
11 comments on “Monday Madness -- March 3, 2025”
Looking at the bracket for 2025: am I misreading this, or are there in fact two saints (Rose of Lima and Zita) who appeared on the 2024 bracket? Has the SEC changed the eligibility rules?
Hope you two aren't planning an exit from Lent Madness any time soon. It truly won't be LM without you! I'll need therapy if that happens.
My poster has been hung in my dining room for days now, and I hope the template for poster stickers with the saints' names will be provided. The stickers help a lot.
I look forward to another round of fun and of learning about the saints in this year's competition.
Looking forward to it!!
This is the first year we're following along at Trinity Episcopal in Portsmouth. Do fans vote at the site or does each Parrish track their own votes and results?
Is the Saintly Scorecard available in print edition?
Link to sales site, please Thank you. Jan Nygaard
Dear Executive Committee (aka Scott & Tim),
If you both feel there needs to be "new blood" due to your slowing down and saving on an extra cup of coffee, I suggest use AI magic and have George T. Dog and another animal of Tim's choosing to host. 🙂
I love the lemony "Scentsurround™" feature you were able to coax out of YouTube's engineers for today's video! Don't hang up your jerseys anytime soon; at least stick around until LM XX or Ragnarök, whichever occurs first.
I am looking forward to this year’s Lent madness beginning on “Ash Thursday”. Happy Lent.
Marlon, you vote at the website. Most easily each person votes from a different device (phone/computer/ipad…). If you all try to vote from the same computer you will be thought to be one person voting multiple times and may get cast into outer darkness!
Tessa, I noticed that as well. WHY??? I mean, yay for Zita, but one Rose of Lima bracket was enough for me...
For some reason, I can’t reply to Marlon’s post directly, so this is my response. Everyone who plays Lent Madness needs to vote on the Lent Madness website each day. Links included on the daily email. However, your parish is certainly welcome to maintain your own voting records and friendly home competition for lively discussions at coffee hour.
Our parish has a Zoom meeting each Monday, where we watch Scott and Tim’s weekly video and then share how our personal votes correspond to the official voting results. We also discuss the new information we have learned about the saints and share our thoughts on our Lenten journeys. It is a great way to fellowship with our church friends and to appreciate the gifts of these holy people. Happy Lent to all our fellow Lent Madness community!