It's the very last battle of the Round of 32! We'll be on to the Saintly Sixteen tomorrow. But today it's the last of the Zs as Nicolaus von Zinzendorf faces Zita of Tuscany.
Yesterday, Lucy Yi Zhenmei defeated Agatha Lin Zhao 63% to 37% to advance to the next round.
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Nicolaus von Zinzendorf
Joining other notable places like The Great Wall of China; the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower; the Acropolis; the Virgin Mary’s House in Ephesus, Turkey; Stonehenge and Canterbury Cathedral; the Statue of Liberty; and the Grand Canyon, the Moravian Church Settlement Buildings in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, were recently named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is thanks to Count Nicolaus von Zinzendorf.
When the American author James Fenimore Cooper was researching Cultural details for his great novel, The Last of the Mohicans, he turned to the tomes amassed by the Moravians, based on their witness to Indigenous Natives. This is thanks to Zinzendorf. When the well-known prayer—Come, Lord Jesus, our Guest to be; And bless these gifts bestowed by Thee—is oft recited before meals, this is thanks to Zinzendorf. When visiting the celebrated Christmas City—Bethlehem, Pennsylvania—or Moravian University located there, this is thanks to Zinzendorf.
Count Nicolaus von Zinzendorf was a founder of the Moravian Church, which is in full communion with the Episcopal Church. He was born into a wealthy, titled family in Dresden, Germany, on May 26, 1700. After an extensive education that included law studies at the University of Wittenberg, he turned his back to privilege and embraced a life committed to Jesus.
Ordained in the Lutheran church, Zinzendorf irked many in 1727 when he offered outreach to religious exiles in Europe. He studied the writings of leading theologians and focused on the Moravian Church, Unitas Fratrum (United Brethren). His dedicated efforts and leadership sparked a renewal of that church. His contributions to Christ-like missionary efforts and Christian prayers and hymns cannot be understated. His outreach focused on slaves, Indigenous peoples, and German-speaking immigrants in this country.
While a missionary in the Caribbean in 1739, Zinzendorf traveled to the now–United States, where he became the only European nobleman known to expressly meet Indigenous chiefs.
In 1741, Zinzendorf visited Pennsylvania, arriving on Christmas Day on the shores of the Lehigh River. He then named the community, which remains a thriving area, “Bethlehem.”
Zinzendorf returned to Germany and died on May 9, 1760. At the time of his death, a remarkable 226 Moravian missionaries had been sent out, thanks to his lifelong efforts.
Collect for Nicolaus von Zinzendorf
God of new life in Christ: We remember the bold witness of your servant Nicolaus von Zinzendorf, through whom your Spirit moved to draw many to faith and conversion of life. We pray that we, like him, may rejoice to sing your praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Zita of Tuscany
If you have ever lost your keys, you may have prayed for intercession from St. Anthony, but devoted key-finders know that if you need a true expert, you call on Zita of Tuscany for help. Patron saint of maids and domestic servants, Zita was born in Florence to a poor family in 1212. She is remembered for her unflinching humility, generosity, and piety.
Zita began working for the wealthy Fatinelli family when she was little more than a child. She dutifully fulfilled her tasks out of a sense of piety, not toward her employers, but toward God. Zita woke up hours earlier than others to attend daily mass, and saw her daily work as a penance and an act of service to God. Her pious and diligent attitude won her some popularity in the household, but as so often happens to earnest do gooders, also led to jealousy, cynicism, and derision. Other household members shunned her, even subjecting her to verbal abuse and beatings. No matter the circumstances, however, Zita’s diligence was unflagging. By remaining firmly rooted in her faith, she found the strength to endure.
Eventually, her hard work and patience were rewarded with a promotion. As housekeeper, she wielded her newfound power with Christ-like aplomb, and tales of her piety began to spread throughout the region. Zita remembered her roots in poverty and gave most of her money away, to the point of true sacrifice.
Zita of Tuscany is associated with many stories of generosity. When she traveled outside the estate to visit the sick and bring bread to the poor, she extended an offer of hospitality to any women in need of dinner and shelter.
Another story recounts a time when a servant reported her for stealing from the Fatinelli family to give their items to the poor. A family member tracked her down on one of her trips, and her apron was full of things to give away. Furious, the Fatinelli asked her what she was carrying; Zita dropped her apron, revealing nothing but fronds and flowers.
If you want to visit this remarkable thirteenth century woman, you are in luck. Zita is one of the “incorruptible” saints whose body is displayed in miraculously preserved condition. You can visit her at the Basilica of San Frediano in Lucca, Italy.
Collect for Zita of Tuscany
Merciful God, who has given to us all things necessary for life and godliness; Grant that we, like your servant Zita, may be faithful in the exercise of our duties and that, whatever you give us to do, we may do it heartily to you for the honor and glory of your Name; through him who has called us to virtue, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.
63 comments on “Nicolaus von Zinzendorf vs. Zita of Tuscany”
Von Zinzendorf: a challenging rhyme.
With some luck I could do it in time.
For today I’ll just say
He’s got cred in PA;
For the people there think him sublime.
I have a soft heart for those who care for the poor. Love Zita.
I really liked how kind Zita was for the poor
I am biased having visited Mary's house in Ephesus, grown up in Pennsylvania, sing in the choir, had to go with Nicolaus. Seems like a pretty interesting guy all around:)
Both are worthy of my vote. I had to go with Nicolaus as that is my grandson’s middle name spelled the same way. To add to that my grandfather’s meal blessing that has been passed down is “Come dear Jesus, be our guest . Bless what is provided, Amen. I now know where it came from. Learning something about family is a wonderful.
I live close to Bethlehem. The Moravian influence is felt throughout. Plus, the meal blessing —which I didn’t know Zinzendorf wrote— was what we prayed at meals when our kids were little. I’m including it in case it’s unfamiliar to you
Lord Jesus
Be our holy guest
Our morning joy, our evening rest.
And with our daily food impart
Your love and peace to every heart.
Also, kudos to Neva Rae Fox for the lovely collect
Housekeeping and homemaking are such undervalued arts in today's society that it seems some people take pride in avoiding them. Go, Zita - you are an inspiration to us all!
Being a fan of the Moravian devotionals, I thought I’d be voting for Nicolaus. His respect for the Indigenous peoples is laudable.
But then I read the collect for Zita. She’ll be getting my vote.
Bethlehem, PA; Moravian Christmas ginger cookies; and the Count's open and generous Christianity push me toward him. But my first-grade teacher, pious and dedicated, was Sister Zita.
Had to go with Nicolaus since I did a cross stitch of his blessing which is hanging in our dining room. We use this blessing quite often when we have guests and it is prayed together holding hands.
My husband's family were Moravian settlers of Old Salem NC. Had to vote for Count Von Zinzendorf, a household name! Moravians treated Native Americans with respect, which earned my respect in kind.
Moravians are awesome. What's not to like about a church that serves sticky buns and coffee to all in their love feast liturgy? And their priority has long been to reach out first to the poor and marginalized wherever they are. I lived within minutes of Bethlehem for my first 10 years in PA, and have gained a great appreciation for the quirks, worship, and principles of the Moravian Church. Von Zinzendorf gets my vote; I lift my mug to him this morning.
Voting for Zita, just for the underdog vibe. Her story was modest, but colorful and warm. The feeling I got from Count Zinzendorf was that he was large and in charge--a life of good works, but leading from the head of the column rather than striving in the scullery and back alleys. As we move into the next round, I want to see such gentle kindness side-by-side with the Great Works.
I had to go with my brother Nicholas today. As a United Methodist pastor, I'm grateful that he influenced John Wesley's theology and practice by his gentle faith in action.
I think both Nicholas and Zita are great.
As usual, a half-vote to each.
But, to choose: my vote goes to Nicholas.
I'm a cradle Episcopalian, but because of my German roots I've had many connections with the Lutherans (obvious), and with the Moravians (life-experience):
visits to the Moravian archives in Bethlehem, PA; friends who live in Winston-Salem, NC; visited Herrnhut in Germany after reunification.
And last: even dated a Moravian minister for 18 months.
Lots of experience.
Voting for Zinzendorf today, for his influence on John Wesley’s theology as I’m a United Methodist. Ziti’s story is compelling, and was unknown to me. I appreciated learning about her.
So I won’t be disappointed whichever one moves forward.
The contributions of Nicolaus von Zinzendorf "cannot be understated." I trust that should be "cannot be overstated."
I support the remarkable woman that fed and took care of the hungry. She cared for the poor with a kind heart.
That's pretty funny, Elaine!
There's another important reason it has to be Zinzendor: he wanted us to have brassier, more cheerful celebrations of the resurrection! Diarmaid MacCulloch notes in his _Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years_ that "The Count had a special liking for trombones and recommended them as a way of cheering up funerals."
Both were worthy. Either will be fine, competing for their golden halo. But we have rare example of someone who started out very poor and became a saint of God.
Hmmm. One helped the poor; the other the poor, slaves, immigrants and native Americans. Both good choices, but I live in Greensboro (next door to Winston-Salem, a major Moravian city). We know where our cookies are baked!
Isn’t it a bit of a miracle that when revealed, the items in Zita’s apron were fronds and flowers, not “stolen items” as anticipated. That happened to an Elizabeth too.
Greetings from Canada.
I loved Zita's story, but I'm voting for Zinzendorf because, although my family was UCC (Evangelical & Reformed), I grew up in the Lehigh Valley, where Moravian influence was significant. Even now, decades later in central Illinois, we hang a Moravian star (a miniature of the giant one that shines over Bethlehem at Christmas) on our front porch.
Had to vote for Nicolaus - grew up Lutheran and recited the prayer at every family meal (3X a day!). Passed along the tradition to my own family and my kids friends refer to it as "the catchy Lutheran prayer". I now know it is Moravian.....learn something new every day!
I am voting for Zita because she likes flowers, like me.
I'm a fan of "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest".
Wow! This one was really tough. Zinzendorf was absolutely fascinating. Yes, we, too, in the Anglican Church of Canada are in full communion with the Moravian church. Now, I learned a little more about the Moravians. And the table prayer, that I learned as a little child, brought an instant memory. I think it is inscribed in my DNA. Sorry, had to go with him, but Zita is fully worthy of a vote too.
I have heard (& said) the blessing “Come Lird Jesus, be out Guest, may these thy gifts to us be Blessed” from my childhood but never knew where it came from. I’ll remember St. Nick Z from now on, but I vote gir the ladies so it’s St. Zina today,may she Rest sin Peace
Born in Winston-Salem, NC of Moravian ancestry, I voted for Zinzendorf. I grew up going to love feasts and the Candle Tea at Christmas. We had Moravian sugar cake for breakfast on Christmas, made Moravian spice cookies, and lighted red paper-drilled beeswax candles. And, of course, we had a Moravian star hanging on the front porch. And my NC relatives say the Zinzendorf blessing this way:
“Come, Lord Jesus,
Our guest to be,
And bless these gifts
Bestowed by thee.”