Monday Madness -- February 24, 2025

It's time for not just another episode of Monday Madness, but the season premiere. Tim and Scott are back with an action-packed, fun-filled episode. In this installment, they explain how the lineup of saints in Lent Madness 2025 is unprecedented in the history of Lent Madness. Tune in to find out how this year's line-up is unique.

Today, as the Supreme Executive Committee reminds us, is also the last day to order your Lent Madness merch for (almost) guaranteed delivered by this Sunday, the Sunday before Lent! You can order your Saintly Scorecard as single copies for just $5, or you can buy ten for the bargain price of only $20. By the way, this year's scorecards will be worth a fortune someday. The printed matchup calendar is wrong, so you'll want to download and print the correct one. But enjoy the error-laden scorecard. Like a mis-struck penny, they'll be worth a fortune someday.

While you're browsing in the Lentorium, pick up your giant bracket posters, which sell for the ridiculously low price of $15. And the ridiculousness is compounded if you buy 5 or more, dropping the price to a steal at $10 each!


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14 comments on “Monday Madness -- February 24, 2025”

  1. Bless you Scott and Tim for acknowledging that these are tough times and stressful for many. I love lent madness because the saints are an inspiration. This year I find it especially important to study the saints, many of whom faced great difficulties and kept the faith.

  2. Greetings!
    This is my annual memory fail. Do I need to register to vote if I already get the emails?
    BTW we have a separation of church & state controversy going on here in Quincy MA. The link below will connect to an investigative TV report that will give you the details. Our Catholic Mayor has commissioned 2 20' tall bronze statues of Sts Michael the Archangel & Florian without consulting anyone. Native son John Adams wrote the MA Constitution that specifically forbids such behavior. Oh the Irony!

  3. I’m so excited that Lent Madness is starting in Just a little over a week. My Saintly Scorecard should arrive today and I can’t wait to start perusing the pages.

  4. Have received all of my materials and beginning the study prep to determine Saintliest of Saints in all brackets. This might be one of the toughest pairings since the beginning of this "madness". I will, as many times past, turn this into a "learning process" and will be the better for it.
    May the Brightest Halo never be tarnished!

  5. I can’t figure out how to get the video to play; it keeps going to a message asking me to log in and doesn’t offer a way to do that?!?!?!

  6. Looking forward to Lent Madness this time around! I learn so much and have a giggle every now and then too. Thanks

  7. Scott and Tim, As I write this (Feb. 25) it is only 9 days til Ash Thursday! I have gone through withdrawal not able to play Lent Madness & finally it will be upon us! We are celebrating the soon arrival of Lent Madness here at Trinity Episcopal Church in Pierre, SD. Woo Hoo! SINcerely, Rev. Mercy Hobbs

  8. If we in Canada are brought into the United States-wide fold, will we find the last letter in our alphabet changed to 'zee'?
    hopefully alpha - omega will remain intact.

  9. We at St. Edmund's Episcopal Church in San Marino, CA are anxiously awaiting the first match up of the 2025 Lent Madness championship! With ScoreCards in hand, we shall follow the matches of the many lesser known saints in this year's bracket. Always something new to learn on our faith journeys. Wishing all of you a blessed Ash Wednesday and a fabulous Ash Thursday.

  10. I can't figure out how this is supposed to work! I have never played sports brackets but my pastor is promoting this as a fun Lenten thing. Do we vote online? How do we choose? Is this like a "saint who made soup beats a saint who caught fish" kind of rock-paper-scissors game? I have the saintly scorecard booklet, with interesting lives of the saints, but it doesn't explain how this works. In your video you talk about using the scorecards but how exactly? I don't understand the levels of difficulty either... and your "Help" page is completely blank. ???????