Pachomius vs. Cyprian of Carthage

Welcome to the final battle of the first full week of Lent Madness XV. Today, it's Mediterranean Mayhem as Pachomius takes on Cyprian of Carthage. Early 4th century Egyptian monk vs. 3rd century martyred African bishop.

Yesterday, Joseph of Arimathea re-buried Lazarus (for the third time!) 72% to 28%.

We do hope you survive the weekend without us. But we'll be back bright and early Monday morning as the Round of 32 continues as Adomnan of Iona faces Joseph Vaz.

Vote now!


Pachomius was born in the late third century in upper Egypt to pagan parents. When he was a young man, he was conscripted to serve in the Roman army. Conscripts were housed in prison-like conditions. While essentially imprisoned, Pachomius and his fellow conscripts were tended to by Christians (apparently they took Jesus’s exhortation in Matthew 25 to look after prisoners seriously).

The care provided by Christians grabbed Pachomius’s attention and he vowed to learn more about their strange faith when his military service ended.

After his release from the Roman army in 313 or 314, Pachomius converted to Christianity and was baptized. He spent seven years as an ascetic until he had a calling to establish a community of monks. He thus established cenobitic (from the Greek, koinos + bios = common life) monasticism, wherein a group of monks live in a community but in individual cells and are governed by an abbot (up to this point, Christian ascetics lived solitary lives in the desert).

His first monastery was established in 320 with his brother and about 100 monks. They shared common clothing and food and had tasks assigned according to ability. To help govern the community, Pachomius created a rule–the earliest extant–that established the rhythms and patterns of the community. That rule was later adapted to the Ascetica, which is still used in Orthodox communities (it is similar to the Western Rule of Saint Benedict). Pachomius was a gifted administrator.

Pachomius was never ordained and monastics in his communities were not priests. Pachomius wrote and spoke Coptic. He never learned Latin or Greek. Yet Pachomius served as an abbot for 30 years and founded 11 monasteries and communities for as many as 7,000 monks. He is the first Christian to use a prayer rope, originally conceived as an aid for uneducated monks to accomplish their prayers.

Pachomius died in 346 or 348 of the plague. His feast day is celebrated on May 15 in the West.

Collect for Pachomius

Set us free, O God, from all false desires, vain ambitions, and everything that would separate us from your love; that, like your servant Pachomius, we might give ourselves fully to a life of discipleship, seeking you alone and serving those whom you have given us to serve; through Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate. Amen. (LFF 2022)

David Creech

Cyprian of Carthage

Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus, whom we know as St. Cyprian, was born in Carthage around the year 200. Although he faced persecution and torture, he persevered for his faith. A theologian and a bishop, Cyprian was the first bishop martyr of Africa.

During his lifetime, Carthage was an important city for trade, manufacturing, and agriculture. The port of Carthage saw trade with all parts of the known world–Asia, Africa, India, and the Mediterranean. This allowed Cyprian a global-knowledge and an understanding of others.

His parents were well-to-do pagans; his father was a senator. Cyprian was educated in the law. After a wild-boy phase, he practiced law and converted to Christianity in 246. Two years later, he was a bishop, and shortly thereafter, he faced persecution by Roman Emperor Decius, which forced him into hiding, although some refer to this as a retreat. Nevertheless, he returned to Carthage in 251, only to face more threats, this time from the new Emperor Gallus in 252.

He was no stranger to controversy in the early church. He was a strong believer in baptism and displayed his Christian beliefs in his daily living; for example, he organized medical assistance during a particularly nasty plague.

The ongoing persecutions greatly impacted him and his authority as a bishop. While he survived physical threats, he also found himself at odds over fundamental theology with the Bishop of Rome, Stephen. Pope Stephen’s death in 257 ended all those disputes, only to be followed shortly thereafter with more persecution, this time by Emperor Valerian.

Cyprian was a writer, orator, translator, teacher, and religious leader who displayed no fear. He was a prolific letter-writer, allowing him to connect with his far-flung flock throughout North Africa.

His expansive library of books, letters, and essays focus on ethics, history, and Christian thought; one that has been passed on through the ages is On the Unity of The Catholic Church.

Nonetheless, Cyprian did not survive Roman persecution. He was martyred on September 14, 258 in his hometown of Carthage. In the public square, he was tried and beheaded, so to make him an example to others. Legend says he gave 25 gold coins to his executioner.

His feast day is celebrated in the Anglican, Episcopal, Western and Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, and Catholic Churches. He is listed for September 13 in Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022. He is the patron saint of North Africa and the Berbers, a North African ethnic group, also known as Amazigh or Imazighen.

As for his remains, nearly 500 years after his death, Charlemagne sent his relics to France; parts of St. Cyprian are claimed in Lyons, Arles, Venice, Compiègne, and Flanders.

Collect for Cyprian of Carthage

Almighty God, who gave to your servant Cyprian boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (LFF 2022)

Neva Rae Fox


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100 comments on “Pachomius vs. Cyprian of Carthage”

  1. Besides having the wrong names up for voting this morning, when I came back to see if it had been fixed, it took 34 times hitting the button before it took my vote (I counted because it’s happened every day).

    If I didn’t enjoy Lent Madness so much, I would have already given up. My frustration level is rising and I hope I don’t reach the point where I say “forget it.”

  2. Went to MacCulloch for more info and thereby decided on Pachomius. He seemed less interested in power and more in just helping people find a peaceful way of living together in faith. Cyprian seemed very interested in his status.

    Personally just over people power seekers just now.

  3. Pachomius was an innovator, introducing monasticism as we know it today. He gets my vote for that reason.

    Good thing I sleep late –– didn‘t have to deal with yesterday’s candidates!

  4. My old almost-hometown New Bern, NC, has a St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, so that broke the tie for me. Both strong saints!

  5. These two (Cyprian and Pachomius) were neck and neck to me. They both have engaging stories of difficulty and perseverance.

  6. Another hard one. Two saints I knew little or nothing about, and both with compelling stories. I voted for Pachomius only to help even the score with Cyprian. We will surely see one of these two saints in future iterations of Lent Madness.

  7. I can choose the saint, but for the 4th time this week, the Captcha just keeps churning and I can’t register my choice..

    Is there some work around?

  8. This has been a very frustrating Lent Madness for me. Today was the first day I was able to cast a vote! Hope this new trend continues.

  9. How often do you get to celebrate an administrator? I had to vote for Pachomius, a worthy saint and lifelong servant who was not ordained, yet he was respected enough to lead 7,000 monks.

  10. So hard to imagine facing so much hatred and death for Christ's Gospel
    Our forbearers were "tough as nails"

  11. So many aspects of Pachomius's story drew me in that I had to vote for him. I especially love that it was the kindness of the Christians who fed and attended to him and the other draftees that brought him to Christianity. I also appreciate, as someone noted elsewhere in the comments, that he was a veteran who worked for peace. Of course, there's his focus on prayer and community, and prayer IN community: his creating of a new way of living together to love God. Finally, I love the idea that he first created/used a prayer rope -- like his creating of a new kind of spiritual community, the prayer rope (prayer beads, rosary) is a tactile, practical simple tool to help us enter prayer more fully.

  12. Oof. This one was pretty close! I was really hoping Pachomius would win! C'mon! We need Pachomius to win guys! We can do it! 🙂

  13. We’ve been voting late in the day this year, which seems to be a good thing, at least today! Should we pity the SEC, or tell them they’re getting their just desserts for their dictatorial reign? Thanks for two new saints with worthwhile stories; we know so little of the growth of our faith between 30 AD and 300 AD. I do think the Christians who cared for the “imprisoned” soldiers, including Pachomius, should be honoured as saints!

  14. I think both are good choices, so it was a tossup today.

    And indicating how fast Lent is going: with the end of today's voting we are already halfway through the first round. 8 pairs completed, 8 to go.

  15. Come on, dear hearts. Did anyone notice that there was a huge attack on communications in USA yesterday? Be patient.

  16. Another hard choice. I think they all are. I voted for Pachomius because he was the first Christian to use a prayer rope. I love the Rosary and prayer beads, so that was the final reason.

  17. I could be in error but I believe, as fans of Madeleine L’Engle will know, that Cyprian is the name of Canon Tallis’s bulldog.

  18. It's almost 8:30pm ET and the voting is closed. What time does that happen? I have things to do, and often don't get here until the evening. I'd still like to vote.