Monday Madness -- February 5, 2024

It's the penultimate pre-season episode of Monday Madness! Tim and Scott are here to help you get ready for Lent Madness XV.

Today's episode has the breaking news the entire Lent Madness Global Viewing Public has been waiting for: the Digital Saintly Scorecard is ready. If you want to download the Digital Saintly Scorecard, you can get your copy right now for free. That's right, FREE!

With just a few days until Lent, today is the last day you can order Giant Bracket Posters from Forward Movement with arrival before Ash Thursday. The full-color posters are just $15, and they're a steal at $10 each if you buy five or more. While you're stocking up on posters, you might like colorable Join the Journey through Lent posters, which are sold in packs of 25. If you're super on top of things, you could also order your Easter colorable poster calendar, too. But we realize that's a bit of a stretch. Even for us.

But seriously, you don't need to spend money to enjoy Lent Madness. You can print out your own bracket at home. It costs nothing to vote. So study up and be ready for the start of Lent Madness 2024 on February 15.


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21 comments on “Monday Madness -- February 5, 2024”

  1. Awesome scorecard! I have my bracket poster so I'm ready to play. For several years someone did Avery labels of all of the saints' names. I love using them to put on my poster. I SO hope they will be available this year.

    Let the Madness begin!

  2. Is there anyway you could name the saints on the bottom of the bracket poster? I can't figure them out.
    Thanks! Love Lent Madness!

  3. How do I get this digital set up for Lent madness?I am technally challenged.Just tried and it brought me right back to what i saw this morning.

  4. Would someone loan or even better give me $100,000 so I can have my autographed copy of the bracket delivered to me by a purple helicopter?

  5. Last year was my first time to play Lent Madness and I so enjoyed it. I love, love, love it!!! You both are the BEST!!!!!!!

  6. Glad the scorecard is out! I created a shortlink for those who need to be able to easily direct folks to the digital scorecard:

  7. One of my parishioners confessed (with permission to share with you) that she sent you a comprehensive plea to include Andrew the Fisherman this year. She's over the moon excited about having our patron in the running and delighted to have the Lent Madness poster. She sends her heartfelt thanks.

  8. Thanks for the scorecard, but could you please give the dates for the matches- esp the first round? thanks and may the lentmadness be with you

    1. If you go to the "Bracket" tab and then click on the "Matchup Calendar," you will find what you need. I just printed a copy.Yes, I'm disappointed that the matchup calendar is not included in the digital saintly scorecard as it was in the previous print versions.

  9. Hello! Do you have documents for previous years? I am new to the game this year and I wanted to learn more about religious and the info sheets are amazing!

  10. Next year, can you make the bios 1/2 page and cut 37 pages down to 18 or so? I love my bio book, but dang! That’s a lot of paper and ink.

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    Here is a quote from LM's website:

    The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo.

    This concludes the test.