Henry Whipple vs. Jackson Kemper

Welcome to Midwestern Missionary Mahem! Today in the Saintly Smackdown Henry Whipple takes on Jackson Kemper. Two outward-looking nineteenth century American bishops who helped shape the future of the Episcopal Church.

Yesterday, Rita trounced Zita (or was it the other way around?) No, we're pretty sure it was Rita over Zita 79% to 21%. Actually, upon further review, it was Zita over Rita!

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Rita vs. Zita

Sometimes saints get paired against one another simply because their names rhyme and we like the sound of them together. Like Rita and Zita. These two saints also have this in common: they were both faithful Italian women who lived out their lives in the Middle Ages. Also, their names both rhyme with pita.

Yesterday, Ambrose of Milan flew past William Byrd 65% to 35% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen.

And, by the way, if you watched Jeopardy! last night, you may have noticed that one of the contestants was Lent Madness Celebrity Blogger David Sibley. Congrats to David on a big win in the Tournament of Champions! We're all very proud of you. And hope you get some saint questions in the next round.

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Ambrose of Milan vs. William Byrd

Welcome to the proverbial Bird Cage as Ambrose of Milan takes on William Byrd in the Battle of the Birds. Who will emerge as Big Bird? That's up to you as you choose between a 4th century bishop and 16th century composer.

Yesterday, Adomnan of Iona easily slid past Joseph Vaz 68% to 32% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen.

Also, yesterday, Tim and Scott previewed the coming week's battles in yet another epic (they're all epic, if you haven't caught on by now) edition of Monday Madness.

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Monday Madness -- February 26, 2024

Gather the kids around the computer! Summon the neighbors! It's time for another episode of Monday Madness. In this week's episode, Tim and Scott preview the upcoming battles in the ongoing saga of Lent Madness XV.

Tim and Scott also share how YOU, the Global Viewing Public of Lent Madness can ask questions to be answered by the Supreme Executive Committee on a future episode of Monday Madness. (Void where prohibited. Terms and conditions may apply. Do not attempt without a professional driver.)

Keep up your faithful voting. We'll see you on the YouTubes.

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Adomnan of Iona vs. Joseph Vaz

Did you miss us? Well, ready or not we’re back for another full week of saintly action! Today it’s Adomnan of Iona vs Joseph Vaz in an iconic battle of the islands (Iona vs. Sri Lanka).

On Friday, Cyprian of Carthage sent Pachomius packing 56% to 44%. He’ll face Canaire in the Saintly Sixteen.

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Pachomius vs. Cyprian of Carthage

Welcome to the final battle of the first full week of Lent Madness XV. Today, it's Mediterranean Mayhem as Pachomius takes on Cyprian of Carthage. Early 4th century Egyptian monk vs. 3rd century martyred African bishop.

Yesterday, Joseph of Arimathea re-buried Lazarus (for the third time!) 72% to 28%.

We do hope you survive the weekend without us. But we'll be back bright and early Monday morning as the Round of 32 continues as Adomnan of Iona faces Joseph Vaz.

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Lazarus vs. Joseph of Arimathea

Today in Lent Madness action it’s a Biblical Blowout as Lazarus squares off against Joseph of Arimathea. Actually, we’re calling this one the Tomb Raider Rumble. So deal with it.

Yesterday, Andrew the Fisherman hooked Polycarp 72% to 28% to advance to the Saintly Sixteen where he’ll face Hyacinth.

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Polycarp vs. Andrew the Fisherman

Today in saintly action, Polycarp faces Andrew the Fisherman, as a second century martyred bishop takes on a martyred apostle. Something fishy is definitely going on here...

Yesterday, Albert Schweitzer defeated Henry Mühlenberg 75% to 25%. Which, although it's tough news for Henry, means we're all collectively spared from trying to figure out how to type an umlaut. Which may remind longtime Lent Madness participants of Franz Jägerstätter, who nearly won the Golden Halo in 2017 before he and his two umlauts succumbed to Florence Nightingale.

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Henry Mühlenberg vs. Albert Schweitzer

Welcome to the Battle of the Lutheran Legends as Henry Mühlenberg faces Albert Schweitzer. Both born in Germany, one in the 18th century, the other in the 19th. Both Lutherans. Both with fascinating vocational and creative paths. But only one will advance to the Saintly Sixteen.

Yesterday, Canaire prevailed over Barbara 54% to 46% to make it to the next round.

And if you missed yesterday's edition of Monday Madness...for shame! However, you can still watch it here.

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Monday Madness -- February 19, 2024

It's time for another not-to-be-missed episode in the epic, award-winning* series, Monday Madness! Tim and Scott are back with a preview of the coming battles in Lent Madness XV.

Though Lent has been under way for a few days, you might still be looking for a suitable Lenten penance. May we recommend watching the entire oeuvre of Lent Madness?

Stay tuned for next week's episode, which will be every bit as good as this week's show. We promise.

* Certain claims in this sentence may be dramatized or exaggerated.

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