Johann Sebastian Bach vs. Martin de Porres

Today we have the final battle of the Elate Eight as Johann Sebastian Bach faces Martin de Porres. In 24 hours the Faithful Four will be set! One of these two saints will join Joanna the Myrrhbearer, Jonathan Daniels, and Chief Seattle (who defeated Bertha of Kent yesterday 55% to 45%) as one of the last four saints standing in Lent Madness 2023.

To get to this round, Bach bested Harriet Monsell and Richard Hooker, while Martin defeated Maximus the Confessor and Leoba. (Note to Kitsch Kranks: click on these links to view the write-ups from previous rounds).

After Palm Sunday weekend, we'll be back on Monday morning to close out this year's tournament just before the start of the Great Three Days.

Vote now!

Johann Sebastian Bach

All too often, your humble celebrity bloggers don’t have much to work with in terms of saintly memorabilia. Not so for Johann Sebastian Bach! There is merch in every possible medium–shirts, hats, socks, and coasters; stately posters and sedate books; sheet music and recorded performances. 

I was overwhelmed, honestly. I needed to take a step Bach, and consider my options–go Bach to basics, if you will. Merch is one thing, but kitsch is special. Kitsch is rarefied air.  

For example:

Bach bust: merch.

Bach nutcracker: kitsch.

Bach Bach: Bach.

It got clear pretty fast that I would only be able to scratch the surface of Bacchic* kitsch. These guys get it.

Maybe you want to curl up with your favorite cantata, like a cozy blanket.

Maybe you want a Bach you can play with now, and step on in the middle of the night later. Did you know that is how the soprano hits the high A in Jauchzet Gott in allen Lande

A warning to saintly shoppers: “Bach” has seemingly replaced “Bachelorette.” If you just search for “Bach,” well…perusing those search results would make the Kapellmeister himself blush. But perhaps you’re feeling cheeky! If anyone asks you who’s getting married, you can tell them it’s for Johann Sebastian and Anna Magdalena. 

People once collected vintage records. But apparently there’s now a growing market for vintage…CDs! I thought this one was particularly lovely. And a nice reminder that Bach wrote music for every text and every feast of the church year

I also loved this one, with Bach and Leopold Stokowski conferring over a score. 

Because of course, it’s Leopold Stokowski (and Mickey Mouse) who introduced many children to Bach’s music for the first time–in that 1940 classic, Fantasia. 

*Meaning of or relating to the worship of Bach, right?


— Eva Suarez


Martin de Porres

Martin refused to eat meat.  Here he is as a vegetable:

Martin was known to levitate when he prayed.  I don’t think he used “wingardum leviosa”  from Harry Potter, but…….

As the patron saint of misfits, the forgotten, and lonely, Martin is also the patron saint of animal shelters. Everyone simply wants to belong:

If you struggle to remember the teachings of St. Martin to include, welcome, care, and love, you can wear his prayer around your neck to keep you on track:

If a necklace isn’t enough to keep Martin’s teachings on your mind, you can put St. Martin in your pocket here.

But to really incorporate St. Martin into your life, live Micah 8:6:







Anna Fitch Courie


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135 comments on “Johann Sebastian Bach vs. Martin de Porres”

  1. As much as I love Bach's music, I have to vote for the Saint of Animal Shelters who did not eat meat. That is someone who speaks to me and with whom I have much in common!

  2. I love JS Bach, his music is prayer, is worship, for so many over hundreds of years. And TODAY is his birthday!

  3. Stupendous kitsch….even more stupendous-er writing.

    (Bach at twelve/Offenbach sooner. That’s resided in the back of my mind from a music teacher Lord knows how many years ago. I’m 76.) My apologies to all music aficionados.

  4. The time is 2:45 PM and the race today is neck and neck! Has there ever been one this close? We have a difference of ONE vote. This could go either way so if you're rooting for either Johann or Martin, hustle up a friend or two for a vote before midnight!!!

    1. I remember last year at 8 pm Jerome was beating Aquinas by 4 votes and ended up losing by one or two votes. But this is crazy so late in the competition.

  5. As far as kitsch goes Johann wins the battle. The coffee cup is epic. As Radar says"Ah, Bach".That would be a fantastic tshirt and capture 2 of my favorites.
    However, my vote is with Martin today as far as saintly qualifications. The one who stands for the downtrodden and dogs will always get my vote. Too bad we have to choose today, because again, Bachs music is the epitome of beauty and worship and a testament to our Creator

  6. As a musician, I have to go with Bach, although I loved the "wingardum leviosa" comment!☺

  7. AS much as I love Bach's music. And as much as his music has influenced the Christian faith. And as much as I wanted to vote for Bach, I had to vote for - Everyone simply wants to belong

  8. Tough tough tough choice.
    I mean - BACH!
    BT iad to go with Martin, a saint of the poor and towntrodden and disenfranchised.

  9. Another Silver Halo award? I’m really having a tough choice and I have long been familiar with Bach & his music.

  10. Oh no! I’m a classically trained soprano who also belongs to the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)! How do I choose?!

  11. Bach's music will speak of grace and spirituality for generations to come. I have "bached" Bach in the last voting trials, but today I will vote for St. Martin. I was struck by his humbleness. For far too long the history of marginalized people has been silenced. This self-effacing man who ignored taunting and belittling behavior from even his brethren, created an aura of love, forgiveness and solicitude for people and animals. I don't know who wrote the prayer displayed in today's kitsch, but some of the words resonant;
    'Pour out the precious gifts of your solicitous and generous intercession on our families; show the paths of unity and justice to people of all races and colors; and implore from our Father in heaven the coming of His kingdom, so that through mutual benevolence in God, men may increase the fruits of grace and merit the rewards of eternal life. Amen.' ( from- )
    I would like to have seen a kitch-y shirt that says.. St. Martin 'levitate" your service to others!'

  12. I voted for Bach today. Eva had me at the Bach Bach mug, which I will purchase. I have always been fascinated with words and puns. I also liked the mention of "Fantasia" I saw it when I was at Indiana University in the mid 1970s. It was a fascinating experience!

  13. Ooo, it's close at the time I voted. I went with Bach, being an amateur musician--choir singer, cello student, piano player--but Martin is certainly worthy as well.

  14. I don’t know what just came over me.

    I have had quite a week and all the St. Martin kitch hit me just right. Especially the Micah verse.

    I also took a beautiful picture of a bird today, very much like the dove around Martin. May we all be wrapped in love and humility and hear/heed guidance to service like dear St. Martin.

    2 hours to go and this is a nail-biter.

  15. As much as I have loved Bach's music, my vote was for Martin. His care for the poor and powerless people is such a good example of what Jesus taught. What so much of scripture teaches. Taking care of the poor, the widowed and the orphans is what we are called to do. Martin did that with his love for God and the people in his heart.

  16. Just like to echo that this has been a great year of kitsch! Merbear, cool icons, woke pillow, and Bacb Bach mug! Looove it!!

  17. You should all move to Hawaii. By 10pm our time (4a.m. tomorrow Eastern time) the voting worked perfectly.

  18. Oh well! As a full-time animal shelter worker I guess I know who I would vote for if I could vote!

  19. This is a travesty!!
    J. S. Bach--I only need quote Beethoven:
    "Es ist Nicht Ein Bach ("brook"); ist ein Ozean
    He is not a brook but rather an Ocean.
    How many hymns in either the 1940 or 1982 hymnals owe their tunes or arrangements to J S Bach? His Toccata and Fugue, have introduced by themselves countless children and adults to the glory and power of the pipe organ.