Lent Madness XIV Pre-game Show

With all major sporting events, there's the game, but only after the pre-game show. It's no different with Lent Madness. This year's pre-game entertainment comes from the Cathedral of St. James in South Bend, IN. Each year, they paint peg dolls of all the saints in the bracket. Yes, really! As if that's not cool enough, they then make an amazing video. So here is the pre-game video for Lent Madness XIV.

And of course, you won't want to forget to sing along with the official hymn of Lent Madness, brought to you by St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Ladue, MO.

Today is a great day to fill out your online bracket (go to the Bracket tab and click Play a Bracket to compete against everyone who fills one out in advance). Then, tomorrow, we hope you'll be in church for Ash Wednesday. The Saintly Smackdown begins at 8:00 a.m. EST on Ash Thursday, February 23.

This image is down here for social media sharing. Isn't it cool?

saint intro video screen grab


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26 comments on “Lent Madness XIV Pre-game Show”

  1. thanks for the pre game fun. Love the clothes pin saints conglomeration. Golden Halos to all!

  2. So happy to see both Tim and Scott back. I look forward to Lentmadness and learning about all these Saints It sure adds to lent studies

  3. I love the official hymn of Lent Madness!!! 🙂 Scott it is good to see you. Been praying for you and your family. Tim looking forward to all the daily fun and quirkiness. I'm loving the animated Godly Play little peoples here. You two are so creative!

    Blessings on your Lenten Journeys and Tim enjoy your first Easter with your new congregation.

  4. Thrilled to be on the threshold of Lent and the Madness that has been such a wonderful complement to the coming weeks of prayer, study and gratitude. Happy Lent to one and all and thank you Scott and Tim for your continued enthusiasm, leadership and humor!

  5. Loved seeing the saints they made. I have been following this ever since it started, and look forward to learning about this year's group of competing saints