The Supreme Executive Committee of Lent Madness wishes everyone a most blessed season of Nominationtide! For the next week, we will accept saintly nominations for Lent Madness 2019. This holy season will run from Monday, April 23, at 8:00 am Eastern Time and conclude on Monday, April 30 at 8:00 am.
As we highlighted in a recent post, there are several Pharisaic rules and regulations in place to successfully nominate a saint. For easy reference, we are reprinting them here:
* This is a new guideline as the SEC has received huge lists from individuals in the past.
Based on long-standing and byzantine criteria, certain saints are ineligible. See below to insure you don't waste your precious nomination. Oh, and Jesus and Mary are never eligible. Obviously.
The Saints of Lent Madness 2018 (all ineligible)
John the Evangelist
Anna the Prophet
Michael the Archangel
John of Beverley
Martin de Porres
Gertrude of Nivelles
Thomas à Kempis
Maria Skobtsova
Peter Claver
John Wesley
Edith Cavell
Eglantyne Jebb
Seraphim of Sarov
Isaac Watts
Catherine Winkworth
Isidore the Farmer
Phocas the Gardener
Katharina von Bora
Mary of Egypt
Richard Hooker
Margaret of Scotland
Charles I
Past Golden Halo Winners (ineligible)
George Herbert, C.S. Lewis, Mary Magdalene, Frances Perkins, Charles Wesley, Francis of Assisi, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Florence Nightingale, Anna Alexander
From 2015 to 2017 (ineligible)
Franz Jagerstatter
Amelia Bloomer
Augustine of Canterbury
Raymond Nonnatus
Martin Luther
Julian of Norwich
Sojourner Truth
Molly Brant
Vida Scudder
Albert Schweitzer
Absalom Jones
As you contemplate your nomination, you may want to take a moment to visit the Lentorium and order your Anna
Alexander 2018 Golden Halo winner mug or purple Lent Madness travel mug. Both mugs are new, and they'll be shipping out very soon.
And remember, nominations are now like voting: just one per person. Let the Nominations for Lent Madness 2019 start rolling in!
668 comments on “Nominationtide has arrived!”
I nominate the Dorchester Chaplains.
Remembered on Feb 3 not only in TEC, but at St Laika’s online worshipping community.
These four chaplains representing four faiths embodied laying down one’s life for others. ‘Nuf said in this Nominationtide.
The Rev. Hiram Hisanori Kano - Feast day October 24
Episcopal priest, "Saint of Nebraska and Colorado, an agricultural missionary who was imprisoned during the United States internment of WWII in part because of his personal influence with the Japanese Americans as both a minister and a teacher of agriculture.
To honor St. Hiram, and during this time, least we forget and dishonor those who grow and harvest the food we eat.
Read the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori's sermon of July 29, 2012
I would like to nominate Jonathan Myrick Daniels, who is honored on
August 14 of the Episcopal Calender as a Seminarian and Witness for
Civil Rights. He went into an extremely dangerous situation in Alabama
in 1965 and bravely spared a young black woman's life and was martyred
in the attempt. Given the current resurgence of racism in our country,
Daniels is a saint for our times.
Very strongly second.
Very strongly seconded, as well.
I nominate St. Bruno of Cologne, founder of the Carthusian Order. He was an excellent teacher and advised one of his former pupils, Pope Urban II. He again and again turned down honors and the opportunity to become a bishop, preferring to do his work quietly without much attention paid to him. When he died, the Carthusians of Calabria sent a scroll bearer throughout the countryside, announcing his death and inviting the churches and communities to write on the scroll their promises of prayer and their memories and opinions of Bruno. This was a common practice of the Middle Ages, but few even approached the accolades Bruno received. They praised his intelligence and his teaching ability, but foremost they mentioned his prayerfulness and devotion to the Blessed Virgin. He was the patron saint of Calabria, where he went into monastic life and built the monastery of St. Stephen (another of my favorite saints).
While his many friends and admirers were powerfully involved in the politics of the time, Bruno preferred to remain in the background, dutifully observant and a thoughtful theologian. His feast day is October 6th. Lots of drama in his life should give ample material to whichever blogger is assigned to write about him.
I nominate The Rev Suzanne Radley Hiatt, one of the Philadelphia Eleven. "Sue Hiatt has been credited for leading the movement for the ordination of women to the priesthood. Over the years, she was given various informal titles: 'Our mother, our grandmother, our foremother, and saint'. She's been referred to as a salty and at times ornery saint, an 'agent provocateur,' the bishop and shepherd and prophet and messenger to the women. The ordinations in 1974 would not have happened without her." (The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven by Darlene O'Dell) Sue died May 30 2002. Every woman who has been ordained to priesthood, as well as the world-wide Anglican Communion, needs to know her story.
I nominate St John Nepomucene (Nepomuk)
He’s the Saint of Bohemia and more importantly, the Saint of the church of my childhood. He could keep a secret as he wouldn’t divulge the secrets of the confessional and thus was drowned in the Vitava River. He’s a martyr and protector from floods and drowning.
Esther. She deserves it and was robbed this year. Please advise as to the type/kind of bribes acceptable to make this happen.
Can we throw out rule #2 so that I can nominate one of the Fred's - Fred Craddock and Fred Rogers. Especially since Egeria is ineligible.
I nominate St. Oscar Romero. Even though he knew he was on the Salvadoran government's hit list, that did not deter him for speaking out to end the violence being done to the population in the civil war. His legacy continues as a sign of hope in El Salvador and throughout the world where there is still much violence.
I second the nomination!
Saint Guinefort! I believe this is a saint whose time has come. Who better to fetch the Golden Halo than a VERY GOOD BOY?
Woof! (fourth)
I nominate St Patrick.
He never gets a fair shake. His feast day is for partying and shenanigans, in most places, not realizing that he “ drove the snakes out of Ireland!” He was not Irish at all....Italian if memory serves me correctly. March 17th in Ireland is a RELIGIOUS holiday to honor their dear saint.
I agree with that. I'm not even Catholic or Christian and I hate the modern/secular treatment of St. Patrick.
I nominate Jesse Bushyhead
I read much about European/American missionaries who worked with the Native Americans, and I read almost nothing about the Native American Christians. When I went looking, his was the name that came up.
I would like to nominate Anne Frank. She continues to be an inspiration especially to young people. Her courage and faith at a time when all hope seemed lost serves as an excellent reminder to us all.
Mother Theresa
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Edward the Martyr
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Thomas Merton
One name only!
I nominate Verna J. Dozier. She was a biblical scholar, leader of Bible study seminars, church consultant, lay preacher and author of several books. Her personal favorite was "The dream of God" which Presiding Bishop Michael Curry ordered hundreds of copies to use as the basic study guide about mission. She was a leader in advocating lay ministry starting after 32 years as a educator in the D.C. public school system. Verna has been honored with a stain-glass window in St. Mark's Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill paid for by people from around the world who had heard her lecture.
She was amazing. However, please check to make sure nominees are listen in the official calendar of commemorations of at least one church (Episcopal, Lutheran, Catholic, whatever). I do not believe she's on the Episcopal calendar (yet).
She ought to be--love her love her love.
I would second her if she was eligible.
I would like to nominate Gregory of Nyssa, one of the fourth century "Cappadocian Fathers" (which also including his brother St. Basil). Gregory rigorously studied Biblical scripture and brought spiritual insight and humanity to a growing church. His was the first Christian prophetic voice raised unequivocally against the institution of slavery in his fourth homily on Ecclesiates. His book, "The Life of Moses" and other writings have inspired and shaped the Christian contemplative tradition for 16 centuries, from St. Augustine to St Francis to Thomas Merton. In Gregory are combined the moral courage of the Hebrew prophets, the philosophical insight of Greek civilization, the humble faith of the mystic, and the compassion of Jesus.
Second! He is also generally considered the first to expound the Christian View of mystical theology.
Constance and her companions. These Anglucan nuns bravely fought and died from yellow fever at Memphis Tennessee during the last yrlliw fever epidemic in the 19th century. In TEC they are known as the Martyrs of Memphis. They embody the spirit of Matthew 25. They served and gave their lives for others. Constance should get the halo on behalf of all.
I nominate Saint Fabian, He was pope from 236-250, a man of the people, he was nominated and confirmed when a dove landed on his head! He died a martyr under Emperor Decius.
I would like to nominate Takayama Ukon, an early Catholic in Japan who was beatified last year.
Takayama Ukon was born in 1552 in Japan during the time when Jesuit missionaries were introducing Christianity to the country. By the time Takayama was 12, his father had converted to Catholicism and had his son baptized as “Justo” by the Jesuit Father Gaspare di Lella.
Takayama’s position in Japanese society as daimyo (a feudal lord) allowed him many benefits, such as owning and ruling areas of land, and the ability to raise a large army. As a Catholic, Takayama used his power to support and protect missionary expansion within Japan, influencing the conversion of thousands of Japanese, even though it did prove to be short-lived. Under the Shogunate of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, starting in 1587, persecution began. Many newly-converted Catholics abandoned their beliefs. By the 1620s, most of the missionaries had either been driven out of the country or into underground ministry. The era was brought to life vividly in the recent movie “Silence” by director Martin Scorsese. The film is based on a novel by the Japanese author Shusaku Endo, and many of events and people depicted in “Silence” are real.
So what happened to Ukon? Instead of denying their faith, Takayama and his father left their prestigious position in society and chose a life of poverty and exile. Although many of his friends tried to persuade Takayama to deny Catholicism, he remained strong in his beliefs. By 1614, Christianity in Japan was completely banned. This forced Takayama to leave Japan with 300 other Catholics, who fled to the Philippines, but not long after his arrival, Takayama died on February 3, 1615.
Fast-forward to January 22, 2016: Takayama’s cause for advancement in the canonization process was further promoted when Pope Francis approved his decree of martyrdom. "Since Takayama died in exile because of the weaknesses caused by the maltreatments he suffered in his homeland, the process for beatification is that of a martyr. Takayama’s life exemplifies the Christian example of a great fidelity to the Christian vocation, persevering despite all difficulties,” Father Anton Witwer, a general postulator of the Society of Jesus, told CNA in 2014.
“As a Christian, as a leader, as a cultural person, as a pioneer of adaptation, Ukon is a role model and there are many things we can learn from him,” Father Renzo De Luca, and Argentinian Jesuit and the director of the 26 Martyrs Museum in Nagasaki, told Vatican Radio.
note: this description is largely adapted from ...
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (March 20, 1939 – August 20, 1965) was an Episcopal seminarian and civil rights activist. In 1965, he was assassinated by a shotgun-wielding construction worker, Tom Coleman, who was a special county deputy, in Hayneville, Alabama, while in the act of shielding 17-year-old Ruby Sales.[1] He saved the life of the young black civil rights activist. They both were working in the Civil Rights Movement in Lowndes County to integrate public places and register black voters after passage of the Voting Rights Act that summer. Daniels' death generated further support for the Civil Rights Movement. (Excerpt from Wikipedia article:
Simona Weil
She is pictured as one of the Dancing Saints at St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco.
I believe that Johnathan Daniels an official Episcopal Saint and civil rights defender/martyr is an inspiration for An Episcopal Christian response to our current struggles with racial inequality... see previous bio summary, courtesy of Wikipedia and full bio link shown below.
I nominate San Romero, martyred archbishop. Oscar Romero's life and death represent the struggle for human rights.
Deaconess Harriet Bedell. She ministered to the Native Americans in Florida and was much loved and respected by them. You will find her in LLFF.
I want to nominate ST. ROSE PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE . She is known by her name Philippine. She was a rscj (Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) she was a frontier missionary and educator. Her feast is in November. Schools that she founded are still educating young folks throughout the USA. (right here in the STL area we have The Academy of the Sacred Heart, Villa Duchesne, Maryville University) Her mentor is also a saint: St. Madeleine Sophie Barat who started the religious order rscj. Both women are filled with compassion, devotion, humility and God. But I commend Philippine to you, she is my "friend". Sophie's bicentennial is this year 2018. I know this is a mess of nomination but Please overlook my clumsy and verbose style and consider my nomination.
I'm nominating St. Benedict Joseph Labre, (1748-83). French, eldest of 15, wanted to become a monk but rejected by all orders as too young, delicate. Lived a life of poverty & pilgrimage, walking to Rome and various shrines in Europe. Shared what people gave him with others. Rarely spoke, prayed alot and accepted the abuse he received. Fool-for-Christ. Toward the end of his life, lived in the ruins of the Col0sseum, died at 35, prob. of malnutrition.
I nominate Saint Thecla who was a first Century woman convert to Christianity. She was converted listening to The Apostle Paul preach and is said to have followed him in his missionary missions. Devotion to Thecla was big in the first four centuries and there are devotional grottos in Turkey and Rome. Thecla is found on the Roman schedule of Saints as well as the Orthodox.
St. Catherine of Siena. “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!”
I second this! She is a "doctor of the church" - a high honor, especially for a woman. My Daughters of the King chapter is named after Catherine.
I third it! She did much to heal the Avignon-Rome scism, and did it while suffering from a likely case of Anorexia Religiosa (like Anorexia nervosa, but minus the fat phobia--as far as we know!)
I nominate Father Mychal Judge, the priest who was killed at the Twin Towers on September 11th as he sought to rescue and comfort others.
good one!
YES. Thank you.
Martha of Bethany (Aramaic: מַרְתָּא Martâ) is a biblical figure described in the Gospels of Luke and John. Together with her siblings Lazarus and Mary of Bethany, she is described as living in the village of Bethany near Jerusalem. She was witness to Jesus' resurrection of her brother, Lazarus.