In the fullness of time, the Supreme Executive Committee rests from its Lenten labors and begins accepting nominations for Lent Madness 2018.
In other words...
Welcome to Nominationtide!
For one full week, Tim and Scott will be accepting nominations for Lent Madness 2018. The nominating period will remain open through the evening of Monday, May 22. At which point the window will unceremoniously slam shut.
Please note that the ONLY way to nominate a saint is to leave a comment in this post. Nominations will not be accepted via social media, e-mail, carrier pigeon, brick through a window at Forward Movement headquarters, singing telegram, sky writer, or giant billboard along I-95. Also, at least officially, bribes are discouraged.
As you discern saints to nominate, please keep in mind that a number of saints are ineligible for next year’s “saintly smackdown.” This includes the entire field of Lent Madness 2017, those saints who made it to the Round of the Elate Eight in 2016 and 2015, and those from the 2014 Faithful Four. Needless to say Jesus, Mary, Tim, Scott, and previous Golden Halo Winners are also ineligible. Below is a comprehensive list of ineligible saints. Please keep this in mind as you submit your nominations.
It takes Herculean amounts of shade grown, single-origin coffee for Tim and Scott to put together the Lent Madness bracket.
Also, note that the saints you nominate should be in the sanctoral calendar of one or more churches. When it comes to nominations, the SEC has seen it all over the years: people who are still alive, people who are not Christians, non-humans, etc. While these folks (and animals) may well be wonderful, they are not eligible for Lent Madness. To reiterate, being DEAD is part of the criteria.
As always, we seek to put together a balanced bracket of saints ancient and modern, Biblical and ecclesiastical representing the breadth and diversity of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
And remember that when it comes to saints in Lent Madness, many are called yet few are chosen (by the SEC). So leave a comment below with your (eligible) nomination! The 2018 field of 32 awaits your input.
The Saints of Lent Madness 2017 (all ineligible)
Fanny Crosby
G.F. Handel
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Joseph Schereschewsky
Nikolaus von Zinzendorf
Macrina the Younger
Amelia Bloomer
Phillip Melanchton
Franz Jagerstatter
Joan of Arc
Martin Luther
David Oakerhater
Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Canterbury
Raymond Nonnatus
John of Nepomuk
Odo of Cluny
Theodore the Studite
Florence of Nightingale
Anselm of Canterbury
Henry Budd
Moses the Black
John Wycliffe
Mechtild of Magdeburg
Henry Beard Delaney
Aelred of Riveaulx
Past Golden Halo Winners (ineligible)
George Herbert, C.S. Lewis, Mary Magdalene, Frances Perkins, Charles Wesley, Francis of Assisi, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Florence Nightingale
From 2014 to 2016 (ineligible)
Bernard Mizecki
Frederick Douglass
Molly Brant
Brigid of Kildare
Albert Schweitzer
Julian of Norwich
Absalom Jones
Sojourner Truth
Vida Dutton Scudder
Phillips Brooks
Harriet Bedell
After the SEC culls through the hundreds of nominations at their annual spring retreat, the 2018 Bracket will be announced on All Brackets’ Day (November 3rd).
In the meantime, we wish you all a joyous Nominationtide.
527 comments on “Nominationtide Is Here!”
Charles Chapman Grafton, 2nd Bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac... one of the first 3 founding members of Society of St. John the Evangelist (Cowley), one of the promoters of the Eucharist as the primary Sunday worship service.
Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob SmithC co-founders of Alcoholics anonymous and savers of millions.
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop aka Mother Alphonsa founder of Hawthorne Dominican Sisters who are still 100 plus years later still caring for terminal cancer care. She is also on the track for Saint hood.She is the daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne the Scalet Letter author
I nominate Dominic de Guzmán
I would like to nominate St. Maria Skobstova. She is a Russian Orthodox saint. This is one of her meditations that is most famous: “The way to God lies through love of people. At the Last Judgment I shall not be asked whether I was successful in my ascetic exercises, nor how many bows and prostrations I made. Instead I shall be asked, Did I feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the prisoners. That is all I shall be asked. About every poor, hungry and imprisoned person the Savior says ‘I’: ‘I was hungry and thirsty, I was sick and in prison.’ To think that he puts an equal sign between himself and anyone in need…. I always knew it, but now it has somehow penetrated to my sinews. It fills me with awe.”
She is the guiding light of the Orthodox social justice movement. You can read more about her here:
I second Raoul Wallenberg. I don't know if he's on any of the church calendars, but he is a Righteous Gentile among the Nations.
So I got some help and went to Because Lent Madness needs more badasses. And from them, I picked St. Quiteria, because I really want to see what the celebrity bloggers can do with an all-female "nonuple warrior gang."
I would like to nominate St Illtud. He is a fifth century saint whose church can be visited today. He was famous for being the teacher of a whole lot of slightly younger saints, such as Sampson, David (Dewi) and many others. He was also non violent in a violent age.
If not Illtud, one of the others from the 'age of saints' in Wales.
Julie Billiart
Damien of Molokai
I'd like to nominate Sister Blandina Segale. Born in Italy,and coming to the US as a child, as a religious Sister she worked with the poor, sick, immigrants prisoners, and Native Americans in CO and NM. She had a connection with Billy the Kid. She displayed courage, tough-mindedness and a deep faith in service to the less fortunate.
St. Andre Bessette!
Abraham Lincoln - a saint among Presidents and a biblically-based orator and healer.
St Faustina kowalska
Thomas a Becket
I nominate Pelagius. The true answer the Augustian morality.
St Therese de lisieux
I nominate Fr. Junipero Serra, the Franciscan friar from Spain who founded the state of California and our major cities. If you are tired of getting this nomination every year, put him among the 32 and make him ineligible in the future, or a Golden Halo winner.
1) Perpetua and Felicity: tortured and executed for their faith as Christian women in 203 CE.
2) Symeon the Stylite: ascetic bringing fasting and silent worship to a whole new level 390-459 CE
3) Pope Clement I: patron saint of mariners 99 CE
4) Agatha of Sicily: virgin martyr for determined profession of faith 231-251 CE
5) Saint Sebastian: conversions and protests 256-288 CE
Albert Schweitzer
Ignatius of Loyola - Founder of the Jesuits
Elanor Roosevelt
I would like to nominate Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700) for next year's bracket. She founded a teaching order in New France. Her feast day is January 12th.
St. Timothy, please. You know, the one who had to fetch "the robe, and above all, the parchments.". That guy.
First, thank you SEC for accepting my nomination of Fanny Crosby last year. She didn't reach "halo" status but she had a good run and her remarkable story was shared with the Lent Madness faithful, which was my genuine aim.
Second, here are some saintly combinations that present interesting match-up possibilities:
St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Lawrence of Rome - both labeled the of patron saint of librarians/scribes (along with St. Jerome), and both were martyred in fairly spectacular fashion.
St. Alphonsus Liguori and Ephrem the Syrian - both "doctors of the church" according to some traditions, interesting, yet obscure saints about 1500 years apart and operating in very different parts of the kingdom.
And finally, St. Juan Diego and St. Bernadette Soubirous - both are venerated in the Roman calendar and both had unique Marian experiences that inspired generations of devotees. The newly-sainted children, Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima fame brought this match-up to mind.
Thank you SEC for your studied consideration and good luck in your caffeine-fueled deliberations!
Elisabeth Romanov
John Wesley
Wow! So many great suggestions. I would like to nominate C.S. Lewis and Isaac Watts. I also think Fred Rogers is a wonderful idea.
P.S. I also support the nominations of:
St. Catherine of Sienna
Richard Hooker, assuming the designation of a Lesser Fast in his honor counts!
St. Dymphna - interesting story, great courage
I nominate Mother Theresa .
Sam Shoemaker
Mother Mary Jones (labor leader).
Jane Addams