Lent Madness is Canceled

Lent Madness Canceled

Lent Madness has been canceled, effective immediately. Even though fans will be disappointed, tensions grew too great within the Supreme Executive Committee. Known widely as archnemeses, it turned out that Tim and Scott just couldn't put aside their bitterness long enough to complete the season.

Expect legal action between them over the name Supreme Executive Committee. For now, Tim has formed a one-man Supreme Executive Council. He is planning to use connections to establish headquarters at 1 First Street NE,
Washington, DC
, a facility that knows how to cater to supremes. Meanwhile, Scott is setting up the Supreme Executive Commission. He's going to take up residence in Avignon, within a palace that knows a thing or two about hosting supremes (or anti-supremes).

Newly unemployed Celebrity Bloggers will face a cruel return to the world of mere mortals, absent the crush of autograph-seeking bracketologists. Distinguished Celebrity Bloggers Laurie Brock, Megan Castellan, and David Sibley issued a joint statement on hearing the news, saying, "Now we know the true meaning of that ancient proverb, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. We wish Tim and Scott had never named us Distinguished." It's expected that a collection will be taken up for a therapy fund for bracket czar Adam Thomas, who won't know what to do each morning of Lent without the onerous burden of posting each day's results and updated bracket.

A passer-by in Hingham overheard Tim muttering to himself, "I knew Scott might not ever forgive me for shutting him out of the Toledo Blade in 2012 but I didn't think it would come to this." Meanwhile Scott was seen writing and then deleting the same Tweet over and over again without posting it, "Jesus said take up your cross and follow me, not take up your JERK and follow me. So long, @FatherTim." Go ahead and follow Scott and Tim on Twitter for what promises to be an epic Tweet-storm.

Fans will be disappointed, of course, that they'll never learn whether Amelia Bloomer or Fanny Crosby would earn a spot on Monday to fill out the Elate Eight.

Also, don't expect a new episode of Monday Madness this week. Tim and Scott could only agree on one thing to include in a joint statement, "The line down the middle of the split screen on Monday Madness isn't thick enough. I won't share a screen with that bozo."

While Lent Madness fans wail and gnash their teeth, at least they can look forward to a pleasant memory of the days of yore on Easter Sunday when Mary Magdalene (Golden Halo winner in 2012) gets a shout out during the Gospel reading.


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255 comments on “Lent Madness is Canceled”

  1. At least we know the SEC can't pull this prank again next year.

    Because in 2018, Easter Sunday IS April Fool's Day...

    1. In a way the Resurrection is the ultimate April Fool's joke.

      You can't keep a God Man down . . . .

  2. Geez Tim and Scott! This was cruelly intense also incredably awesome. Happy April and happy weekend

  3. There should have been a disclaimer early-on. Such a message would have been deadly if my heart were not so strong.

  4. The name of the game is LENT MADNESS
    supposedly formed to bring gladness
    But with Tim and Scott acting up a Holy F---
    They're the epitome of SEC badness !

  5. What if it isn't an April Fool's josh?
    We'll have to wait till Monday to know for sure.
    The suspense will be killing me, but either way we will have to enter into the battle.
    Two more saints..
    It is too soon for Allelulia's/Hallelujah's but they will be on my lips on Monday if it is all a joke.
    Boy, a real test of faith here!

  6. If this wasn't an attempt at an April Fool's prank, I suspect that Scott & Tim would have been summoned to 815 Second Avenue to explain their unpriestly behavior to the Presiding Bishop. I also suspect that if they did not pass the Peace and make up, they would have had some serious punishments imposed on them by their respective diocesan bishops which would pale in comparison to the punishments bestowed upon them by the Convocation of the Most Blessed and Saintly Possessors of Golden Halos, a group chaired by a certain honorary member named Mary, who as Patron Saint of the United States of America has had a very busy last 145 days and doesn't have time for any additional foolishness.

  7. I sure hope this has come out now because of the special day that it is.
    I plan to be no fool and will look forward to seeing what happens on April 2nd and 3rd when this foolish day passes.

  8. Yeah for humor!!, may we hear it in the pulpit every Sunday particularly laughing at ourselves.

  9. Are you people serious? Or is this a TRUMP-Like palace coup/twitter storm/all points bulletin to divert attention from March Madness NC v GONZAGA? I think the latter. At any rate, you got my attention. Carry on!

  10. Um, hey folks, they aren't kidding! No April Fool's Day prank. I just now realized that there was NO Lent Madness email in my inbox this morning. Our beloved bracket seems to really be done! I guess I'm a little confused, because the Cacelled post didn't make sense to me, nor did I make the 4/1 connection until I read the first post. The joking didn't register, and now I'd simply like to know what really happened, in plain English.

  11. Tee hee! I didn't open this message until today (April 3), but after a few lines I checked the posting date and saw whet I suspected. 🙂

  12. The title gave it away! I am hyper-attentive to April Fools Day, because it happens to be our anniversary:)