Lent Madness is Canceled

Lent Madness Canceled

Lent Madness has been canceled, effective immediately. Even though fans will be disappointed, tensions grew too great within the Supreme Executive Committee. Known widely as archnemeses, it turned out that Tim and Scott just couldn't put aside their bitterness long enough to complete the season.

Expect legal action between them over the name Supreme Executive Committee. For now, Tim has formed a one-man Supreme Executive Council. He is planning to use connections to establish headquarters at 1 First Street NE,
Washington, DC
, a facility that knows how to cater to supremes. Meanwhile, Scott is setting up the Supreme Executive Commission. He's going to take up residence in Avignon, within a palace that knows a thing or two about hosting supremes (or anti-supremes).

Newly unemployed Celebrity Bloggers will face a cruel return to the world of mere mortals, absent the crush of autograph-seeking bracketologists. Distinguished Celebrity Bloggers Laurie Brock, Megan Castellan, and David Sibley issued a joint statement on hearing the news, saying, "Now we know the true meaning of that ancient proverb, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. We wish Tim and Scott had never named us Distinguished." It's expected that a collection will be taken up for a therapy fund for bracket czar Adam Thomas, who won't know what to do each morning of Lent without the onerous burden of posting each day's results and updated bracket.

A passer-by in Hingham overheard Tim muttering to himself, "I knew Scott might not ever forgive me for shutting him out of the Toledo Blade in 2012 but I didn't think it would come to this." Meanwhile Scott was seen writing and then deleting the same Tweet over and over again without posting it, "Jesus said take up your cross and follow me, not take up your JERK and follow me. So long, @FatherTim." Go ahead and follow Scott and Tim on Twitter for what promises to be an epic Tweet-storm.

Fans will be disappointed, of course, that they'll never learn whether Amelia Bloomer or Fanny Crosby would earn a spot on Monday to fill out the Elate Eight.

Also, don't expect a new episode of Monday Madness this week. Tim and Scott could only agree on one thing to include in a joint statement, "The line down the middle of the split screen on Monday Madness isn't thick enough. I won't share a screen with that bozo."

While Lent Madness fans wail and gnash their teeth, at least they can look forward to a pleasant memory of the days of yore on Easter Sunday when Mary Magdalene (Golden Halo winner in 2012) gets a shout out during the Gospel reading.


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255 comments on “Lent Madness is Canceled”

  1. Ah, love that April Fools' Day, done as only Tim and Scott could do!! A reminder that we risk losing all the joy and camaraderie on this hallowed site, especially if we cannot be civil and charitable. Love the MADNESS!! Happy Lent!

  2. Ah, sighs and faints!
    What fun we've had with our glorious saints
    Who've provided a pleasant Spring diversion
    A respite from sport and political aversion
    Hopefully this is an April Fools' ploy,
    Or else what will there be to enjoy?

  3. I was warned by my CLLO (CHIEF LAY LITURGICAL OFFICER) at our men's fellowship breakfast this morning of your dastardly deed. You might have actually fooled some gentle souls, making them griefstricken. The walk of shame for you!

  4. What idiots. How can two people not be able to work together to do a job. I don't think they will be up for sainthood anytime soon. Oh, gee. It is April 1. You got me.

  5. Here in Mexico the equivalent to April Fools' Day is Holy Innocents' Day on December 28.

  6. This has got to take some kind of prize as a relief from the dreaded LMW. Thanks, guys.

  7. Oh dear. And, I had given up working for Lent (for me and for all employees in my one-man business) while a full 15 minutes was used each morning to pursue Lent Madness in reading and prayer. Back to ordinary prayer until Easter. Perhaps a post April Fools reconciliation is possible before Monday. May God preserve us all.

    I still have my blessed Lent mug,...and my memories.

  8. I just cancelled all my contacts with the Episcopal Church. I notified my Bishop that I am leaving ECUSA for the Greek Orthodox Tradition. Stunned, after 38 years of me being an Episcopal Priest, he asked what could have provoked such radical behavior. With tears, I told him that I was completely disheartened by the cancellation of Lent Madness and the actions resulting therefrom. After a long silence, he expressed his understanding. Agreeing with the travesty, he will begin the appropriate protocol for fulfillment of my request. My informing him of my reason has precipitated a crisis in his own vocation. Sigh....

  9. "Distinguished Celebrity Bloggers..." Should that be "Extinguished Celebrity Bloggers..."? Happy April Fool, both today and on the government-designation observance on the 15th,

  10. My senior superlative was "Most Gullible." Thirty-five years later, it still has the capacity for heart-stopping moments of incredulity. This was one of them.

  11. The mobs with pitchforks and torches are truly disappointed! I guess we will have to be satisfied being old school - back to homes base in Transylvania, that sure has gotten old!

  12. With Lent Madness cancelled, I see no reason not to go straight to Easter. I realize this doesn't give us much time to prepare, so I'd like to offer a little hymn I whipped up -- in the spirit of the day -- with the help of my friend Bill Card. Bill's a cradle Unitarian, by the way, and I'm a cradle Episcopalian.

    Tune: Easter Hymn, Hymnal 1982, 207, Jesus Christ is risen today

    1. Jesus Christ is still alive, Alleluia!
    Risen this morn at half-past five, Alleluia!
    He will bring us bread and wine, Alleluia!
    Ain't it great that he's divine, Alleluia!

    2. He is Godhead incarnated, Alleluia!
    Drinks his coffee caffeinated, Alleluia!
    Mocha java raised him up, Alleluia!
    Resurrection in a cup, Alleluia!

    3. Jesus Christ, to thee we pray, Alleluia!
    Hope you liked our song OK, Alleluia!
    Give us now our daily bread, Alleluia!
    Give us coffee when we're dead, Alleluia!

  13. Good one! I had my moment of fear as I had just submitted an article for local paper praising Lent madness and encouraging all to join in the fun. Then it dauwned on me- it's April Fool's Day.