Lent Madness is Canceled

Lent Madness Canceled

Lent Madness has been canceled, effective immediately. Even though fans will be disappointed, tensions grew too great within the Supreme Executive Committee. Known widely as archnemeses, it turned out that Tim and Scott just couldn't put aside their bitterness long enough to complete the season.

Expect legal action between them over the name Supreme Executive Committee. For now, Tim has formed a one-man Supreme Executive Council. He is planning to use connections to establish headquarters at 1 First Street NE,
Washington, DC
, a facility that knows how to cater to supremes. Meanwhile, Scott is setting up the Supreme Executive Commission. He's going to take up residence in Avignon, within a palace that knows a thing or two about hosting supremes (or anti-supremes).

Newly unemployed Celebrity Bloggers will face a cruel return to the world of mere mortals, absent the crush of autograph-seeking bracketologists. Distinguished Celebrity Bloggers Laurie Brock, Megan Castellan, and David Sibley issued a joint statement on hearing the news, saying, "Now we know the true meaning of that ancient proverb, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. We wish Tim and Scott had never named us Distinguished." It's expected that a collection will be taken up for a therapy fund for bracket czar Adam Thomas, who won't know what to do each morning of Lent without the onerous burden of posting each day's results and updated bracket.

A passer-by in Hingham overheard Tim muttering to himself, "I knew Scott might not ever forgive me for shutting him out of the Toledo Blade in 2012 but I didn't think it would come to this." Meanwhile Scott was seen writing and then deleting the same Tweet over and over again without posting it, "Jesus said take up your cross and follow me, not take up your JERK and follow me. So long, @FatherTim." Go ahead and follow Scott and Tim on Twitter for what promises to be an epic Tweet-storm.

Fans will be disappointed, of course, that they'll never learn whether Amelia Bloomer or Fanny Crosby would earn a spot on Monday to fill out the Elate Eight.

Also, don't expect a new episode of Monday Madness this week. Tim and Scott could only agree on one thing to include in a joint statement, "The line down the middle of the split screen on Monday Madness isn't thick enough. I won't share a screen with that bozo."

While Lent Madness fans wail and gnash their teeth, at least they can look forward to a pleasant memory of the days of yore on Easter Sunday when Mary Magdalene (Golden Halo winner in 2012) gets a shout out during the Gospel reading.


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255 comments on “Lent Madness is Canceled”

  1. Diana, I would buy a book of your humble hymns in a heartbeat. 🙂
    After yesterday's testy exchanges on the comments board, this subject line had me for a second or two... before the date sank in. Well done, SEC.

  2. Employers everywhere are rejoicing, 8am will once again return to its normal productivity!!

  3. "Sur le pont d'Avignon........", is the first that entered my mind after I stopped howling at today's post! Truly well done!

  4. Good one, except our real life is so bizarre these days that half your readers may fall for this fake news. Btw....who is the patron saint of fools (or pranks)?? . You guys owe us that much.

  5. At the risk of sounding like an old "dead head", may I ask what is funny about claiming this educational program is cancelled because the two men running it had what some would call a "hissy fit?" I didn't read all the comments, but that was mainly because they were so repetitive. Most found this funny; some were relieved this was a joke; but others referred to vicious comments. There is just no call for that-especially in the context of a serious Lenten study disguised as a game. Just my two cents.

    1. Frank, you raise a serious question that deserves a serious answer. Aside from the April Fool tradition, I think that Tim and Scott offer a helpful service in holding up a mirror to us. So often we see that the real "hissy fits" they are mocking can destroy relationships, families, businesses and nations. My personal take is that this mirror can invite us to look at our own relationships, the way we talk to and about others, and allow the Light of Christ to give us clarity. I'm grateful to you for helping me to stop and think about the more serious side of our wonderful Lent Madness.

  6. Prince Albert is still laughing in his can as are Messrs. Lyon and Foxx at the zoo. Thanks for the 21st century update on the annual fool's day. Methusalah

  7. When I read this my heart almost stopped! Lent Madness canceled?! Then taking a deep breath & looking at what the date was I was greatly relieved that it is not!

  8. Had ne there for a moment! This Presbyterian so enjoys Lent Madness! Would love to get the congregation I serve (Lutheran) involved next Lent! Keep up the great work, you guys!

  9. After suffering defeat when my beloved UCONN women were struck down last night (actually this morning) and lamenting that disaster, you guys scared me half to death when your so called breakup was announced. I will be left to my grieving my team and renewed that you guys are just fooling around. Thanks for a great wakeup this day.
    So glad to welcome April 1 with such a jolt.

  10. Cover your inboxes, Lads. Any journalist could have warned you. April Fool's stories and headlines never make friends or funnies. You will be the anathema of Lenten hyperspace. Haven't you been warned enough about the sin of fake news? You will go into the Orson Welles Hall of Shame and the Newseum of alternative facts where it is said one can drink beer and break wind to your heart's content even at vestry and pledge committee meetings!