Lent Madness is Canceled

Lent Madness Canceled

Lent Madness has been canceled, effective immediately. Even though fans will be disappointed, tensions grew too great within the Supreme Executive Committee. Known widely as archnemeses, it turned out that Tim and Scott just couldn't put aside their bitterness long enough to complete the season.

Expect legal action between them over the name Supreme Executive Committee. For now, Tim has formed a one-man Supreme Executive Council. He is planning to use connections to establish headquarters at 1 First Street NE,
Washington, DC
, a facility that knows how to cater to supremes. Meanwhile, Scott is setting up the Supreme Executive Commission. He's going to take up residence in Avignon, within a palace that knows a thing or two about hosting supremes (or anti-supremes).

Newly unemployed Celebrity Bloggers will face a cruel return to the world of mere mortals, absent the crush of autograph-seeking bracketologists. Distinguished Celebrity Bloggers Laurie Brock, Megan Castellan, and David Sibley issued a joint statement on hearing the news, saying, "Now we know the true meaning of that ancient proverb, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. We wish Tim and Scott had never named us Distinguished." It's expected that a collection will be taken up for a therapy fund for bracket czar Adam Thomas, who won't know what to do each morning of Lent without the onerous burden of posting each day's results and updated bracket.

A passer-by in Hingham overheard Tim muttering to himself, "I knew Scott might not ever forgive me for shutting him out of the Toledo Blade in 2012 but I didn't think it would come to this." Meanwhile Scott was seen writing and then deleting the same Tweet over and over again without posting it, "Jesus said take up your cross and follow me, not take up your JERK and follow me. So long, @FatherTim." Go ahead and follow Scott and Tim on Twitter for what promises to be an epic Tweet-storm.

Fans will be disappointed, of course, that they'll never learn whether Amelia Bloomer or Fanny Crosby would earn a spot on Monday to fill out the Elate Eight.

Also, don't expect a new episode of Monday Madness this week. Tim and Scott could only agree on one thing to include in a joint statement, "The line down the middle of the split screen on Monday Madness isn't thick enough. I won't share a screen with that bozo."

While Lent Madness fans wail and gnash their teeth, at least they can look forward to a pleasant memory of the days of yore on Easter Sunday when Mary Magdalene (Golden Halo winner in 2012) gets a shout out during the Gospel reading.


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255 comments on “Lent Madness is Canceled”

  1. And in other belly laugh news - and this is not an April Fool's joke - my husband reports that he read a serious investigative report on a financial website yesterday which revealed to the world the mystery of why McDonald's sells more fish sandwiches in March than any other time of year: something called "Lent" - of course, blamed exclusively on Roman Catholics. The reporter was quite astounded.

      1. I thought you were kidding Beth. I had to look it up for myself. Blame Tim and Scott for my not believing you at first.

      1. I still remember seeing an ad from a chain supermarket promoting salmon, crab, lobster and shrimp for their Lent specials. Sadly, it was not dated April 1.

    1. Every Friday in Lent, after all-school Mass & early dismissal, our Mom took us to McDonald's for Filet-o-Fish.

  2. Tim & Scott, please, pleeeeease don't do this! I'm sure all of us in the Lent Madness Voting Public would be willing to pitch in the moola so the two of you can go to Supreme Council counseling. And hey, if either of you need to talk, just call me, anytime day or night. I'm sure everyone in the LMVP would say the same. We can fix this. Don't let it end this way! Think of the children!

      1. Thank you, Diana and Susan, for your support. I'm sure if all of us in the LMVP deluge the SEC with phone calls, emails, Tweets, and Facebook postings we can convince them not to give up, that this is worth fighting for!

        1. Harlie, quick, who is the saint responsible for reconciling broken relationships? We need to start a novena! Is it St. Reconcilius? St. Reunitus? St. Mediatus? St. Placatus? St. Conciliatus?

          1. Diana, after exhaustive research, I discovered that all the saints you named are the Patrons of Reconciliation (I should have guessed that from their names). So what I propose is, we all say a separate novena to each one. That would be 45 days of prayer! That's sure to work!

  3. As our Supremes, I think they could at least wrap themselves in their sequins and lace and sache off the screen!

  4. Taking a cue from Washington, the Supremes have indulged in plenty of finger pointing, I see. One (who shall not be named) is using his index finger. The other (who also shall not be named) is not.

  5. I guess it was fun while it lasted. It's a terrible indictment of the church nowadays that two so-called priests can't do as Rodney King asked and "just get along."

    1. No, it may turn out to be cool. Can't you see that they are going for a reality TV show contract? Duelling priests! We can vote at the end of each show who made the better argument over rubric controversies! Or, they can fight for real over these saints. A true smackdown! And we thought Siskel and Ebert were fun. Just you wait. Well, wait at least till tomorrow.

      1. Whew! Of course that's what they are up to. I was getting worried for a while. Maybe they should start out on Oprah?

  6. You're just lucky April 1st fall on a Saturday this year when you can fool those persons who don't see your usual comedic side showing in this post. Looking forward to Monday for Fanny to join the elite eight.

  7. Great hangover cure! Thank You! If this Lent Madness/clergy thing doesn't work out for you, I'm sure a comedy gig could be found in Las Vegas. Penn &Teller could use some divine competition.

  8. I am the QUEEN of April Fool's . Was not fooled for even one second. Besides neither of you are folks who couldn't settle your differences (if any occurred) amicably. Good read though.

  9. Right up there with the "Holy Heroes Happy Meal" of 2014! Happy April Fools' Day!

  10. We can hope and pray that all the Saints converge to reunite the LM Supremes when April 2nd rolls around!

    As alternates, I loved Peg S.'s offer of Vic and Eugene as the "Supreme Executive Cats" (2 paws up!) or Harlie Y.'s crowdfunding Supreme Council counseling recommendation. Where there's a will (or a Vic and Eugene), there's a way - Onward!

  11. You had me until Avignon and palace. Good one! Glad I took my blood pressure meds.

  12. I knew this just had to be an April Fool's joke! Well done, but I spotted it as a joke when I scanned the subject line in today's email list. Good job! 🙂

  13. And I believed it! I was so disappointed, because I have been such a faithful voter.

  14. Bit of a sudden surge of Alternate Truths there, eh what? Where is my 1928 Book of Common Prayer? AND the 1940 Hymnal? Refuge in an ecclesiastical world gone mad. "O Lord, open thou our lips.....and then stand back....only thou knows the secrets in these creative minds and hearts!" Dee gracias to all who believe in Lent and its Madness. Herr Kapellmeister

  15. Dear Friends,
    It seems to me that the SEC deserves something for their Lent Madness Poisson d’avril foolery. For reasons I may never comprehend, Hail to the Chief ran through my head this morning, something I can only assume is some saintly snarkery by a saint who didn’t appreciate my holy hymning. Ergo:

    Hail to the two who have made our Lent so lively.
    Hail to the bloggers – our great celebrities!
    Hail to the Czar of the daily holy brackets.
    Take up your JERKS my friends and let’s all sing hail.

    Hail to the SU-preme Executive Committee
    Hail to the folks who take time to think and vote each day and
    Hail to our God Who gives life and joy and laughter
    Hail to the Trinity the source of all saints.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, the words don’t fit the music exactly. But if you look at the words to the actual H2theC, you’ll note that they don’t either. However, that’s not the important issue here. The truly essential question is how we are to decode the mystery set before us this morning by the SEC; e.g. Scott’s never-posted Tweet. Clearly JERK does not mean “a quick, sudden sharp movement”. Ergo, there must be a code we must break.

    Below, I propose two possible interpretations:

    Jazzed Eggheads Razzing Kooks
    Joyful Excess, Raving Kudos

    However, neither of these quite work for me. There must be more to the mystery.

    If you are inclined to help me solve this conundrum, I’ve appended a few words that might help you get started (What would we do without Scrabble dictionaries?)

    J Joke, Jiving, joyful, Jocund, Japes, Joyful, Jewel, Jibe
    E Exclusive, equal, enjoy, examen, equals, excess, evolving, eschewing, equip, exude
    R Relicts, rickety, relaxed, razzed, ruckus, raving, ritzy, relaxed, risky, rock, ring, rub
    K Kibbitz, kickoff, klutzes, kvetchy, knowing, kazoos, knights, kudzu, kicks, kaput, kudos

    Mayhap I am on the wrong road entirely. Who can tell? You may well have spotted clues I’ve missed. At any rate, help me to comprehend what must, indeed, be deep mystery and to discern the true meaning of JERK.

    Your humble hymnologist,

    1. Good thing we have the weekend to figure it out. I’m so enjoying the fun, learning about saints and how to live. I’m even learning about spelling: “canceled” with one “l”! I’m new to Lent Madness, and for the first time, I’m NOT looking forward to the end of Lent. Thank you all!

      Joint Executive Religious Knights??

    2. So glad you made a hymn for this day. Whoever is collecting these, be sure to include this one, too!