Stephen vs. Alban

Let the games begin! Yes, Lent Madness 2017 begins RIGHT NOW. After months of speculation and the crushing ache of anticipation, "Ash Thursday" has arrived. Over the next (more or less) 40 days and 40 nights, you will have the opportunity to re-immortalize one of our 32 competing saints with the coveted Golden Halo.

Today we see two martyrs squaring off as Stephen faces Alban. Which one will face yet another ignominious exit? That, dear friends, is up to you and your single (we mean that and we have cameras everywhere) vote.

If you’re new to Lent Madness, welcome! If you have any questions about how to participate, just let us know by leaving a comment. The Lent Madness community is both friendly and helpful, often answering questions before the Supreme Executive Committee arrives in their grand purple, if imaginary, chariot.

We urge you to take full part in the Madness. Leave comments here on the website. Read what others have to say. Enjoy the (mostly) friendly rivalry and trash talk on social media. During the day, check in on the website often to see how each day’s contest is going. And above all, delight in seeing how each saint was a powerful witness of Jesus Christ.

Be sure to sign up for e-mail updates on our home page so you never miss a vote, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and encourage your friends to jump into the fray.

We can assure you this will be a wild, joyful, educational, ocassionally gut-wrenching ride. We're delighted to share this journey with you. Let the Madness begin!


Stephen is the protomartyr of the Church—the first person to give his life as a witness to his faith in the gospel of Jesus.

Along with six other Greek-speaking believers, Stephen was tasked with serving and providing for those in need, serving as one of the first deacons in the early Jesus Movement. In some traditions, Stephen is given the title of Archdeacon.

Tasked with feeding the hungry, Stephen performed wonders and signs for the people. Unfortunately, these actions did not go over well with some in Jerusalem’s religious power structure, and the Sanhedrin tried him for blasphemy.

Stephen delivered a powerful sermon in front of the Sanhedrin, recounting the relationship between God and the people—his sermon accused listeners of murdering the prophets who foretold the coming of Jesus. While his message seemed to be extremely well-received, with the Sanhedrin shouting “Amen!” and “Thanks be to God,” they immediately took Stephen out into the street and stoned him. With his last breath, Stephen prayed for the forgiveness for his killers.

In death, Stephen has become quite the world traveler. His relics were first identified at what is now the monastery Beit Jimal, just outside of Jerusalem. Stephen’s relics moved around Jerusalem to a location near the northern gate of the city—known to the Crusaders as Stephen’s Gate.
A portion of his relics made a post-mortem trip to Rome, where he was interred alongside the deacon Lawrence (a very polite roommate who made
room for the protomartyr in the crypt of the Basilica of San Lorenzo).

Stephen’s feast day is December 26. He is the patron saint of, among other things, headaches—and, perhaps, family members during uncomfortable holiday situations.

Collect for Stephen
We give you thanks, O Lord of glory, for the example of the first martyr Stephen, who looked up to heaven and prayed for his persecutors to your Son Jesus Christ, who stands at your right hand; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

-David Hansen


The early martyr Alban is regarded as the protomartyr of Britain—the very first person to die for his confession of Christ in the British Isles. Also, while none of the records are terribly clear, it appears that Alban was only a Christian for a matter of days prior to his martyrdom! The story of Alban comes to us through three chief sources—a medieval text connected with Germanus of Auxerre, the account of the sixth-century British monk Gildas the Wise, and the Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People. As is common with martyrs in the early medieval period, Alban’s story grows longer and more colorful with each step.

During one of the Roman persecutions of Christians, Alban (who was a kindly man but apparently not a believer) hid a priest in his house rather than allow the priest to be caught and killed by the authorities. The priest remained hidden for several days and instructed Alban in the faith. Once the Roman authorities learned of the priest’s presence, they came to the house demanding the fugitive. Alban dressed himself in the priest’s distinctive clothing and was led away to see the judge. The judge (somehow realizing that Alban was not the priest in question) promised to let Alban go if he renounced Christianity and sacrificed to the gods. Alban refused, asserting his full faith in Christ, and was led away to be executed. However, the bridge linking the court to the execution site was totally blocked by would-be spectators. The waters of the river parted, enabling Alban and his execution party to continue on dry ground to the place of his martyrdom. The executioner was so moved by this divine sign that he refused to kill Alban and was executed alongside him instead.

Bede’s narrative adds that upon killing these two martyrs, the replacement executioner’s eyes promptly popped out of his head as punishment. Furthermore, the head of Alban rolled down the hill, and at the point where it stopped, a spring of pure water sprung up.

Collect for Alban
Almighty God, who inspired your servant Alban to lay down his life for the cause of the Gospel; grant us the grace to follow his example that our own lives may be reflections of your love and witnesses to the truth of your power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

-Derek Olsen

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Stephen: Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/1498–1543), Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
Alban: Unknown artist, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons


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470 comments on “Stephen vs. Alban”

  1. Alban's heart was kind to the point of putting himself in danger for another person even before his conversion. I say, kudos to the saints who were decent human beings even before their saintilines kicked in. Also, the head-rolling-uphill-and-turning-into-a-spring story is cool.

  2. (Moderator, can you please add an "s" to "saintliness?" It's going to really bug me. Thanks! -- EB

  3. Where is the biography of Stephen in the "Definitive Guide To Lend Madness 2017"? I cannot find it anywhere. Just a page number will do the trick! Thanks for making Lent a pleasure and an educational experience that is so much fun!

  4. I voted for Alban. Although the river-parting and eye-popping details seem like embroidery, the core of the story is completely plausible and exactly the sort of thing that would get passed down in local lore. Alban hid the priest in the first place through pure compassion for someone in dire trouble, not because he agreed with the priest's principles that had gotten the priest into that trouble. Do we ever need that attitude in the world today! Then he gave his life to save another's. I also voted for Alban because I'd never heard of him before, so he exemplifies one of the key purposes of Lent Madness.

  5. Stephan because Alban was British and I get tired of things getting picked first because the first British to do this or that. Such as the first permanent English Colony, or First Landing on English settlers.

  6. I have to go w/ Alban this year since I'm doing a lot with Celtic spirituality, esp through Brigid's Place--a spirituality center for women located at Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, TX. Next Monday we begin an ongoing monthly group called Anam Cara which will explore spiritual friendship in today's world. Alban is an example of those who come to Christ late in life yet was "all in," so to speak.

  7. Your story failed to mention that Stephen's execution, unlike Jesus's, was totally illegal under the Roman law of the time. The Sanhedrin took advantage of Pilate's absence from the city to put "those upstart Christians" in their place. Also, my youngest child is named after Stephen. Not a close call.

  8. My fourth graders at St. Stephen's & St. Agnes school in Alexandria, VA narrowly voted for the school's patron. By one vote, the protomartyr (whose stones are part of our school logo) bested Alban (with the cool story of his rolling head). Some of them will be voting individually during Lent Madness, if they remember and can get a parent or sibling to help them with some of the arcane language. But each Thursday, we will cast a group vote -- my Lenten disciple, because on these days I give up my own personal vote to represent my 72 students. Onward, Stephen!

  9. Totally agree with Fr. Peter - I was ready with the word "protomartyr" to cast my first vote for Stephen!

  10. Alban got my vote. Stephen was a little too cocky for my taste, talking about those who were uncircumcised in heart and ears and deliberately insulting the Jewish leaders. Alban's conversion has an innocence and humility that Stephen lacks.

  11. Stephen -- first because the stoning of Stephen in Mendelssohn's St. Paul Oratorio made such an impression on me when I sang it as a teenager; secondly because he said "You stiff-necked people! uncircumcised in heart and ears" in his final sermon.


  13. Stephen, for being tasked with feeding the hungry, among other things. This is my first time participating in this. I am enjoying learning more while having a bit of fun. 🙂

  14. I thought about voting for the executioner co-martyr, but there was no place to cast that vote!

  15. Lent Madness starting off right - a tough decision. British martyr who was so brave or one who humbly served the poor and forgave his murders. Stephen it is.

  16. As a priest who lost a job for a sermon I preached, I and who continually wonders if someday I might get stoned for one, I voted for Stephen.

  17. A great first match-up.
    After some consideration, I voted for Alban, because of his action in hiding a persecuted fugitive. Alban is a saint for our times.

    1. That thought occured to me re: Alban, but I went with Stephen because I think his whole body of work warrants it.


  18. Sorry. Gotta go with St. Stephen. Nice hair and gown (shown in on our church's stained glass windows). Great fashion sense AND he fed the poor.
    Rock on Stevie!