Another Monday brings another action-packed episode of Monday Madness, brought to you by Lent Madness TV. This week, Tim and Scott talk about some common misunderstandings of the Saintly Sixteen, such as "You forgot the collect!" and "Where is the bio?" They also remind the global viewing public that cheating in Lent Madness has consequences, so don't do it.
Then there is the big news, the Monday Madness NEWS EXCLUSIVE. If you stay tuned through the end of the video, you can watch the moment when Scott and Tim reveal who writes the script for each episode and how many takes go into each week's episode.
If you're inspired by Tim's use of the Golden Halo Flying Disc in this week's episode, you can get your very own disc to toss or to wear.
19 comments on “Monday Madness -- March 16, 2015”
Where is the audio???
People are so bizarre! Why would you cheat on something like this? So weird.
Rather than casting multiple votes yourself, you take a lesson from the fans of Philander Chase ( in my family aka Phil Baby) and beseech kith, kin and fellow alums of Kenyon College to vote for him. The prize for the others is that they learn about the great election that begins with 32 candidates and decreases by 50% so that, currently, it is at the elated eight.
Are we going to see the Archbishops this season at all? I really miss them, especially Archbishop Cranmer's lovely accent and jovial wink. I was honored to receive an email from them last year in response to a question, which, since it is likely the only one I will ever receive from two dead archbishops, I had suitably framed. Is Maple Leaf Anglican taking a little break?
I would like to know that also. BTW I can't believe Scott and Tim don't practice their lines more . One take is well.....WOW !
I miss them, too. Maple Anglican explains on .. basically, life is busy.
Global cheating on LM!!! Who'd a thunk it?!? Cease and desist, and enjoy the saintly fun.
Someone from ST PAUL cheated! Oh we are so ashamed... here just across the river in the Minneapolis suburbs. Just goes to show that we Minneapolis folks are clearly the better twin! (PS: You can tell us... was it Garrison Keillor who tried to cheat?!)
Cheaters? Folks, I hear that we have 6 million Americans of the age of 112 years or so collecting social security checks every month (Okay, maybe our leaders should have tapped into this a bit earlier). So, in comparison, a few (very few) LMers pushing the boundaries a bit? Not to worry. N'est-ce pas?
It seems to be getting increasingly difficult to find the current "daily bio's" and voting. There is a lot of fun stuff, but sometimes it's good to keep it simple?
Still waiting for the audio . . .
Hi Kay, a longer reply just disappeared in the cyber black hole .. shorter list of suggestions: shut off/turn on computer, try a different browser, play another video to be sure speakers are working - try headphones if discovering a hardware issue .. hope that helps, cheers.
Different browser worked for me with a Pandora issue, so try that for sure.
Hey, Tim! Breaking news! The Easter Bunny has a sub for the Northeast US - a Snow Bunny! But sorry about the egg hunt.
Cheating?! Come on, one would have thought that people would learn after last year! I am from Chicago originally -- where the machine's motto was "vote early, vote often!". But I would NEVER dream of voting more than once!!!!! Shame on all of you!!!!
Speaking of the Lentorium (been waiting for some kind if segue), is there any chance of another production run of Mary Mags mugs, or some of the previous Golden Halo winners? I broke my second Mary Mags mug a few months ago, and I'm bereft. I also own Francis Perkins and Charles Wesley, but coffee and tea just don't taste as good out of them. I don't drink out dark colored mugs, though the purple one is lovely to behold, because you can't tell when your brew has steeped enough in them.
I would also love T-shirts with the image of the winner, like the same one as on the mug, but bigger.
Regarding the Monday Madness theme "song"--
I detect two actual pieces of wonderfully-arranged and splendidly-played music; a "prelude", as it were ("When the Saints Go Marching In"), and a "postlude" ("Forty Days and Forty Nights"), so to speak. Are both together the official theme? Were they both submitted and you wisely chose to include both?
And is there sheet music available? I think our organist would enjoy playing them.
Cheating is cheating!
Rather than casting multiple votes yourself, you take a lesson from the fans of Philander Chase ( in my family aka Phil Baby) and beseech kith, kin and fellow alums of Kenyon College to vote for him. The prize for the others is that they learn about the great election that begins with 32 candidates and decreases by 50% so that, currently, it is at the elated eight.