Monday Madness -- February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015
Scott Gunn

In this week's installment of Monday Madness, Scott and Tim discuss the start of Celebrity Blogger Week. They also encourage every website on the entire internet to add a Lent Madness widget, whilst explaining how you can get tattoos directly from your computer screen. Last, but not least, there's a shout out to everyone's favorite shopping destination, the Lentorium.

Since you've already liked Lent Madness on Facebook, make sure you invite your friends to join us on Facebook too. Those of you who are on Twitter will doubtless want to keep a close eye on @LentMadness, as well as @FatherTim and @ScottAGunn.


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2 comments on “Monday Madness -- February 2, 2015”

  1. Beware of being "too clever"
    You are computer wizards. Please have pity on those who struggle with endless requests for email address,and then even more or sometimes older or former email address
    I get lost in the endless tag CONTINUE and then I withdraw....i