Monday Madness -- January 27, 2015

January 28, 2015
Scott Gunn

With this post, we move officially from the off season to the high season of Lent Madness. From now on through Easter Monday, you can expect a weekly-ish video from the Supreme Executive Committee. Speaking of high season, one of our hard-working staff was updating some behind-the-scenes action today and inadvertently hit "publish" on a post too soon. As a result, you may have received a spurious email from Lent Madness HQ. Sorry about that, and pay no attention to the staff member behind the curtain.

In any case, Tim and Scott discuss Snowmageddon and how to prepare for Lent Madness 2015 in this week's action-packed video.

Right after you watch the video, you'll want to visit the Lentorium or head right over to Forward Movement's website to order your 2015 bracket poster. You get a massive suitable-for-framing or attachment-to-your-altar poster for just $10, or $9 for two or more. Your Saintly Scorecards are only $1 when you buy 25 or more. If you want only one, it's still a bargain at $3. There's an ebook version available, but you'll have to do without the full-color fold-out bracket, unless you tape one to your Kindle.

tshirt logoNew this year, we'll have a t-shirt. It's going to be a high-quality purple shirt (obviously) with a design in two colors featuring "Who will win the Golden Halo?" and the Lent Madness logo, all on the front left of the shirt. They will be priced at around $12, we think. It's important that you tell us what size you'd buy, if you think you'll buy one, so we can plan our order accordingly. So please fill out the poll at the end of this post.

Last, but not least, check out Tim's newest book from Forward Movement, Dust Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent & Easter. It's like Lent Madness but in a book (or an ebook).

Remember to fill in your sizes below! The totals of this poll will help us with our t-shirt order. If you're planning to order, say, 50 mediums, go ahead and tell us that in the comments. Thanks!

[poll id="124"]


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27 comments on “Monday Madness -- January 27, 2015”

  1. Did the survey re: sizes .... just a further comment -- folks I know would rather have a shirt be larger size than smaller (if larger, can always wear it w/ a belt or expect it will shrink a bit in wash. Most cotton tee-shirts are expected to shrink in washer & dryer regardless of manufacturing assurance it is "pre-washed and pre-shrunk....they are not ... nor do folks expect to wear them in the hopes enough weight would be lost in order to fit into it). Larger: Yes. Smaller: not so much. Yes, I did vote.

    Looking to offer one (or more) to parishioners for whom Lent Madness 2015 will be a new adventure. Trying to sweeten the pot of competition. Thanks for this new option. Let the games begin

  2. Let folks know how to access the poll if they are reading this post via cell phone. When reading on your cell phone, there is no poll at the end of the message. Thanks!

  3. I would probably order a medium if the shirts run true to size; otherwise I'll order a large. Not sure this is really helpful but it's the best I can do. Blessings.

  4. I so hope they will be shaped for women (me) as well as men. "Unisex" always means that it is cut for men--narrow and straight through the hips. I get tired of altering "unisex" shirts!

  5. SO glad to hear that earlier post was a mistake! I looked in vain for a place to ask about it, and got out the poster to see if I had misunderstood the start date!

  6. 1) ditto on the Larger is better T-Shirts but it is vital to list the brand of T if possible and whether it is pre-shrunk too. Of course I like to have a longer shirt when ordering a larger shirt avoiding the box look.
    2) I was disappointed that your purple mug is only 11 oz I wonder if I should hold out for a LARGER (say 17-20oz size) purple mug or a nicer LARGE travel mug...hmmm

  7. T-shirts -YAY.
    I'll need one medium and one large but be prepared for more orders when my friends see how trendy I am

  8. I would love to order the new book but have a Nook. I was able to order the Saintly Scorecard for my Nook. Thanks. Peace.

  9. What great ideas. We will be playing Lent madness at our church last year. Only a few of us talked about it last year and many are now interested for this year. Love the idea of t-shirts. I will be ordering at least 2, one medium and one large. Keep up the good work. Counting down......

  10. A medium. I prefer V-neck T-shirts but advertising Lent Madness will be my pleasure no matter the style.

  11. Woot woot! I am PUMPED for Lent Madness!! As Parish Life Chair, I think I need to order 25 scorecards and get this going in our VERY small parish....this will definitely put the lively in Parish Life! I can see it now! Heated debate during coffee hour! Snubs during sharing of the peace! The battle lines will be drawn! (just kidding about the battle lines - not about the buying) 🙂

  12. I'd be thinking of an adult small and perhaps an adult large for T-shirts. Blessings to you as you dig out of the snow.

  13. Navigators' Watch List warns: premature pushers of "Publish" button may be deflated! S'now joke!