A bitter controversy has interrupted the first day of the 2013 Saintly Smackdown. It has nothing to do with voter fraud or inappropriate trash talking or over-the-top snark (if that even exists). This has all been sparked by a mug. Or shall we say the lack thereof?
It seems that, while the self-appointed members of the Lent Madness Supreme Executive Committee have agreed to a seasonal détente, Tim has not yet received his 2013 mug. While everyone else who ordered one in a timely fashion is now waking up to vote while sipping coffee out of their fancy new Lent Madness mug, Tim has had to resort to last year's edition. Or his Baltimore Ravens mug.
The Celebrity Bloggers all seem to have their mugs. In fact David Sibley's even arrived in Brooklyn during a blizzard. The new mugs are also running rampant at the Episcopal Church Center in New York City where Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has one as does Communications Director Anne Rudig and Public Affairs Officer Neva Rae Fox. And, no, they aren't just passing the same one around for photo ops. They all have their very own Lent Madness 2013 mugs! (not sure how they tell them apart in the holy kitchenette but that's not our problem).
Public Affairs Officer Neva Rae Fox is so dedicated to Lent Madness she's wearing purple nail polish.
To add insult to penitential injury, Tim's own curate at St. John's in Hingham, Massachusetts, Anne Emry, has received hers. So far Mug Meister Scott has not commented on the budding controversy.
Protest groups have started picketing the Forward Movement global headquarters in Cincinnati chanting "Free Tim's Mug!" They have been met with billowing clouds of incense and fire hoses full of holy water.
While it's not yet clear why Tim hasn't received his mug, other than potential spite, you can order your own from the Lent Madness Store (aka Lentorium). It may not come with a money back guarantee but Scott and Tim personally guarantee that it improves the taste of any beverage (especially freshly roasted coffee from El Salvador). In the meantime, start writing protest songs or start a petition. Scott must be held accountable for this uncharitable act on the first day of Lent Madness 2013.
Breaking News! We just got word that Celebrity Blogger Chris Yaw has also not received his mug. This is obviously Scott's retaliation for the only one associated with Lent Madness to have won an Emmy. Put simply: Monday Madness will never win an Emmy. Nominated perhaps, but it will never win one. And that burns Scott up.
Please enjoy your Lent Madness 2013 mug and pray without ceasing that Tim's will arrive before Pentecost.