For the Golden Halo: Mary Magdalene vs. Emma of Hawaii

We began this Lent Madness journey over five weeks ago on "Ash Thursday." We started with 32 saints and have now whittled the field down to two: Mary Magdalene and Emma of Hawaii (who staged a wild comeback against Dietrich Bonhoeffer yesterday).

Along the way we've met some truly remarkable holy women and men. Perhaps you learned about some folks you'd never heard of or maybe you renewed acquaintances with saints who have long offered inspiration. Of course the entire notion of placing saints in a bracket is absurd -- each "contestant" has already earned a crown of righteousness in addition to a "golden halo." But at the heart of Lent Madness is the abiding conviction that Lent need not be gloomy or depressing. After all, what could be more joyful than a season specifically devoted to being drawn into deeper relationship with the risen Christ?

In the process of this whimsical Lenten devotion we have made some new online friends, encountered a community of believers who take their faith but not themselves too seriously, learned some things, were inspired by saintly witnesses, and had a lot fun along the way.

We literally couldn't have done this without our "Celebrity Bloggers" to whom we offer sincere gratitude. Dr. Meredith Gould, the Rev. Penny Nash, the Rev. Bosco Peters, Canon Heidi Shott, the Rev. (Bracket Czar) Adam Thomas, the Rev. Laura Toepfer, the Rev. Neil Alan Willard, and the Rev. Chris Yaw -- you guys rock!

Finally, thanks to all who have participated in this devotional journey. We've loved having each one of you along for the "madness" and on behalf of the Supreme Executive Committee we wish you a blessed Holy Week and a joyous Easter.

Oh, wait, there's one more thing before we set our face toward the Triduum. Cast your vote for either Mary Magdalen or Emma of Hawaii -- the 2012 Golden Halo hangs in the balance! The polls will be open for 24 hours and the winner will be announced at 8:00 am Eastern time on Maundy Thursday.

Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!"
John 20:18

Mary Magdalene: Giovanni Savoldo, c.1535-1540

Excerpts from a lament by the Pacific Commercial Advertiser upon Queen Emma’s death in 1885.

Auwe! Auwe! The bitter wail resounds,
From far Kauai to bold Hawaii’s shore;
The people’s grief and sorry know no bounds,
For their loved Ema-lani is no more.

---Auwe! Auwe! The mourning nation cries;
Auwe! Auwe! She does not heed its grief;
Auwe! No more she wipes the weeping eyes,
No more she gives the sick and poor relief.

The King and lowliest native equal share
The common grief, for each has lost a friend,
And closer draws the bond of sympathy -
The throne and hut unite their tears to blend.

And not alone Hawaiians grieving cry,
The Haoles join in universal moan;
America extends her sympathy,
And England’s Queen will mourn a sister gone..

Kaleleonalani is not dead!
She sleeps on earth, but wakes in Paradise;
Rejoince we then and lift the drooping head,
She is but veiled from our mortal eyes.

And so we leave her sleeping sweet in God.


NOTE: At 4:13 p.m. EDT, the Supreme Executive Committee removed 120 votes for Emma, based on heavy repeating voting from a single location. We are glad you are enthused about your saints, but please vote only once!

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146 comments on “For the Golden Halo: Mary Magdalene vs. Emma of Hawaii”

  1. Over the years our Lenten Sunday's in Boothbay Harbor have been purposefully awkward and reflective as the chairs in the sanctuary are set monastically. This year I've been smiling across to this facing congregation thinking one or more over there, may be a secret Lent Madness blogger.
    Thank you Tim and Scott... Halo to Mary Magdalene

  2. I am but lately come to Lent Madness, only the last two weeks, but dang! Tim and Scott, darn fine job! Now my real question, is a Madness considered a Lenten discipline or a DSM VI diagnosis? Whichever, thanks for the fun you gave me and St. Mary's! Now on to vote for Mary Mag... my regrets to Quen Emma...

  3. This has been just incredibly fun. I was really hoping Bonhoeffer would take the halo, but it was not to be. Just voted for MM and will be sorry to see the fun end. Although... there is that whole Resurrection celebration thingy still ahead of us...
    Thanks for one of the best Lents ever.

  4. We are at Disneyland today and reminded our mom when we got back to the hotel that we needed to cast our final vote. We just want everyone to know that LM has been super fun. We learned a lot about some incredible people. Our favorite saint is St. Nicholas who lost to the tea lady. We also thought Enmegabowah was interesting and was married to a real go getter who had the cool nickname of the Iron Sky Woman. And we have loved the saints who were cave dwellers. But now it is down to two women named Mary and Emma. We think both of these people are wonderful -- they are both winners in our opinion. It is very cool that two powerful women are in the final round. As for who should wear the golden halo, we voted for Mary because of her close connections with Jesus. We hope Emma gets a halo too -- maybe a halo made of the fragrant flowers used in leis?

  5. Hawaiians, it is now the appropriate time for you to show your support of our blessed Queen Emma, by calling friends and neighbors to encourage their voting, one vote per person, to assist in the halo being placed on our Queen's head. Mahalo!

  6. I voted for Queen Emma because I see her legacy every day (I live in Hawaii). We love her because she cared enough about her people to help meet the spiritual and physical needs of others besides herself. Her work, her love, her testament continues to this day.

  7. This is a technical question. Do votes from the same wireless location get counted as votes by the same person, or does it register by individual computer? Is it possible that the 120 votes were from people voting from the same place? Such as the girls who go to the St. Andrew's Priory School--which is on wireless, even though the girls have different computers.

    1. I have been pondering the 120 votes from the same location also. Could it be the girls at the Priory School expressing their devotion and thanks to their founder? Each student is required to have her own computer operating on a wireless system. Many girls from all walks of life are able to attend this wonderful school thanks to the scholarships provided by their dear Queen. Another example of the faith and love of Queen living still today. Emma continues to live today through her example of Love Begets Love.
      I'm still with my own miracle girl, Queen Emma. h+++

    2. I wondered about this kind of thing as well, and would like to believe the best. Would be nice to be able to be one person one vote, for people sharing a computer (or network?), though there is certainly value in practicing consensus in any circle. It may help for LM 2013 if people are made clearly aware of what constitutes a voting violation (eg one vote per computer or per whatever), so they don't sin unawares. Or it may not...depending how cynical you are about human nature! ; )

  8. Or maybe the votes were by someone trying to discredit Queen Emma. The good news is that there's a system in place to Catch it and keep it fair.

  9. Aloha from Kauai! My husband and I have the great joy of being here with the good people of the Episcopal Church on West Kauai for a few months. Queen Emma is getting votes because she is true saint to the people of Hawaii. It is wonderful that this very witty and fun event is making her known more widely. (We are 6 hours earlier than on the east coast so don't count her out as some late night Emma lovers in Hawaii may yet vote!) Thanks so much to those who put this together. It has been fun and informative. If you are still up, vote for Emma!

  10. What a joy and a privilege to vote for Mary Magdalene. This takes not away from the accomplishments of the noble Emma but in this holiest of weeks my vote must be for my favorite woman in scripture. When I read the gospel this Sunday and I come to verse 18 in John I know as always I will be thrilled with the fact that, Mary, a woman no less was able to say "I saw the Lord."

  11. Wow! What a fantastic trip this has all been. I've learned so much and had a lot of fun. And I've also enjoyed discussing the contest with my Facebook friends and coworkers -- even convincing my atheist supervisor to cast a vote or two!

    Alas, the brackets didn't turn out as I had expected, but that's hardly the point. Thanks so much for all the great work put into this by the moderators and "celebrity" bloggers. You all make me proud to be an Episcopalian.

  12. Unfortunately, I think my Hawaiian brothers, sisters, daughters, and sons are still sleeping. Who would have ever thought that little Emma of Hawai'i would have had her good works made known to so many. That, in its self, is almost a miracle. This daily devotion has brought so many closer to Our Lord, His Blessed Mother, and all the company of Heaven. Thank you to all involved in this Lent Madness. It has been a wonderful ride. He Is Risen, He Is Risen, Indeed!

  13. What a strange and fascinating exercise---the tendency toward vaudevilian humor not withstanding. And now we strip our altars tonite and our Lord is gone----gone so Mary can once more mistake him for the gardner.

  14. So how would someone vote 120 times? Is that your cookie was not saved? It seems like a miracle that you could vote so many times for the un-saint queen.